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Devinda_Z last won the day on June 27

Devinda_Z had the most liked content!


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My Vehicle Details

  • Vehicle Make
    Land Rover
  • Vehicle Model
    Defender 110 CSW
  • Engine Type
    2.5L Diesel N/A

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. @DN557zz I'm quite firmly team IrisPro Got the Defender done last year finally - definitely makes a noticeable difference in both how the light hits you and even more so the heat reduction
  2. Came with a 1.8L engine and manual gearbox?
  3. There shouldn't be really because they only cut 20-30% visible light transmission at the most. It's not that noticeable
  4. The NDFOS was on Santa Fe and I didn't drive it much at night so I can't recall any issues The IrisPro was absolutely fine at night but you notice that blue hue during the day
  5. @matroska your 3rd guess is correct! It is The Pipe ! Sorry for the delay @Gummybr
  6. Late 50's/early 60's Cadillac El Dorado
  7. My apologies for the delay
  8. Tata Tiyago too easy @sathyajithj99
  9. Always a pleasure @Gummybr
  10. Do it to it @sathyajithj99
  11. Have I given away too much?
  12. @iRage Mitsubishi Minica Toppo
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