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Convertion From Petrol To Gas


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  lasa said:

Hi Guys,

One of my friends wants to convert his Nissan Windroad califonia wagon to gas. Still he's in two minds. What you guys think? What are the plus/minus? Does it effect long term.


gas conversion is not so good on EFI engines, but given the current prices of gas and petrol(gasolina :grinning-smiley-003: )... itz worth goinf for conversion!(considering they recently reduced the price of gas too)...

i think now the disadvantages of occasional engine repairs surpass the benefit if the said car does travel often!...

also note that gas is not 100% safety proof (no matter whatever bullshit the converting companies say)

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Umm well the good thing is that you save tons of cash. Bad points are that it takes up boot space, but since your friend has a station wagon it wouldnt matter. The tank does have a smaller capacity than the petrol tank, so expect frequent visits to fill it up again. The performance of the car is also cut down by 20% I know a friend who has a sonata that runs on gas. It tends to stall most of the time, and feels rather heavy when accelerating. His a/c belts got burnt out too, and his engine check light appears always after he converted to gas. Japanese vehicles might adjust easier to gas without any problems, so i guess converting to gas might be a wise choice.

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  streetKIA said:

Umm well the good thing is that you save tons of cash. Bad points are that it takes up boot space, but since your friend has a station wagon it wouldnt matter. The tank does have a smaller capacity than the petrol tank, so expect frequent visits to fill it up again. The performance of the car is also cut down by 20% I know a friend who has a sonata that runs on gas. It tends to stall most of the time, and feels rather heavy when accelerating. His a/c belts got burnt out too, and his engine check light appears always after he converted to gas. Japanese vehicles might adjust easier to gas without any problems, so i guess converting to gas might be a wise choice.

Hi Street KiA,

My Dad's old office had some vehicles converted to gas too, and I am basing this reply on the conversation I had with one of the drivers once, It seems that though there is a performance hit when converted to gas most of the time the problem is that the convertors do not put a big enough nozzle to let the gas in with relation to the engine size and thus you encounter severely reduced acceloration stalling engine warning lights etc.

These cars had the same problem and they were done at the pioneer of gas conversion in sri lanka (professional conversion cant mention names here) and the driver had to take the car back to them a few times before they finally decided to have a look at it and they changed the nozzle and problem solved :grinning-smiley-003:

While I was riding in that car I could not feel the fact it was running on gas to be honest, so maybe its as simple as that to resolve,

The Don

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  streetKIA said:

...Japanese vehicles might adjust easier to gas without any problems, so i guess converting to gas might be a wise choice.

but they say never ever convert a Honda to gas! besides my nissan pulsar's engine also got somewhat wrecked after running in gas! anyway efi isn't ideal for gas(perhaps they need to reprogram the ecu)

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I had two cars that ran on LPG, one a Mazda wagon for 5 years and no problems.

You need to change the plugs every 6 months depending on the running and clean the air filter.

There is a huge cash saving but it is somewhat setoff buy the increased maintenance. However as a person with first hand experiacne on LPG converted cars there is a lot bad publicity than actual bad effects.

The problem is there is no actual compariosions of identical cars running on petrol and LPG for a identical period to come to scientific conclusions.

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  tomcat said:

However as a person with first hand experiacne on LPG converted cars there is a lot bad publicity than actual bad effects.

Agreed! me too wit 1st hand experience.

  tomcat said:

The problem is there is no actual compariosions of identical cars running on petrol and LPG for a identical period to come to scientific conclusions.

good i like the way u analyse :D

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I think the problem with EFI cars is that the injectors are meant to be injecting a liquid and thus I think LPG causes a lot of rubbers in the fuel injection system to dry up and warrant replacement, but I think to a certain extent regular servicing of the fuel injection system might help a bit in this regard.

I have heard of high carbon debosits inside the combustion chamber and problems like that, (which is what corrodes the plugs as well) but that also I guess is a matter of tuning though its much easier done with a carb engine than a engine with electronic fuel management since now the parameters that affect it isnt what it was programmed for in the first place, but there must be work arround for this as well, maybe a fuel preassure regulator ? coupled with a bit of tuning here and there ....... I don't know but there must be a way :D

The Don

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  The Don said:


I think the problem with EFI cars is that the injectors are meant to be injecting a liquid and thus I think LPG causes a lot of rubbers in the fuel injection system to dry up and warrant replacement, but I think to a certain extent regular servicing of the fuel injection system might help a bit in this regard.

I have heard of high carbon debosits inside the combustion chamber and problems like that, (which is what corrodes the plugs as well) but that also I guess is a matter of tuning though its much easier done with a carb engine than a engine with electronic fuel management since now the parameters that affect it isnt what it was programmed for in the first place, but there must be work arround for this as well, maybe a fuel preassure regulator ? coupled with a bit of tuning here and there ....... I don't know but there must be a way :D

The Don

hey some useful thoughts bro!

wish any of the converting companies listen ur suggestions and work on it! our guys don't look into the possibbility for improvement instead are willing to convert the the way they know best!

seriously this is good time to promote gas conversion, but that will only come when the conversions become a proven technology...!

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  isurujosh said:

hey some useful thoughts bro!

wish any of the converting companies listen ur suggestions and work on it! our guys don't look into the possibbility for improvement instead are willing to convert the the way they know best!

seriously this is good time to promote gas conversion, but that will only come when the conversions become a proven technology...!

I tell you man, when you go to these places, its full of people with massive ego's who don't really want to listen to what you have to say, remember that driver of ours had to go 4 times to G** A*** Lanka to get that thing sorted and it was a simple case of them not using the proper nozzle relative to the capacity of the engine.

The problem is these problems have existed for a while now, but nobody seems to have bothered to find sollutions to them, and when you go and complain they ignore :D

I think this culture of bad customer service is the first thing that needs to change, for things like Gast Conversions to become succesful,

The Don

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  The Don said:

I tell you man, when you go to these places, its full of people with massive ego's who don't really want to listen to what you have to say, remember that driver of ours had to go 4 times to G** A*** Lanka to get that thing sorted and it was a simple case of them not using the proper nozzle relative to the capacity of the engine.

The problem is these problems have existed for a while now, but nobody seems to have bothered to find sollutions to them, and when you go and complain they ignore :D

I think this culture of bad customer service is the first thing that needs to change, for things like Gast Conversions to become succesful,

The Don

yah itz an attitude problem :lol

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Well I have similer experiance with the "Gas pioneer", All they do is clean the plugs and the distributor(which you can do at home with a can of WD40) and turn the idle up. This way you burn what ever the fuel type you use faster.

Gas has huge enviornmental benefits as it has low emmission of harmfull gases. This will lead to less carbon deposits in the engine.

The gas and petrol hits the engine iv vapour form so this lubrication fact does hold water!!

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  The Don said:

Hi Street KiA,

My Dad's old office had some vehicles converted to gas too, and I am basing this reply on the conversation I had with one of the drivers once, It seems that though there is a performance hit when converted to gas most of the time the problem is that the convertors do not put a big enough nozzle to let the gas in with relation to the engine size and thus you encounter severely reduced acceloration stalling engine warning lights etc.

These cars had the same problem and they were done at the pioneer of gas conversion in sri lanka (professional conversion cant mention names here) and the driver had to take the car back to them a few times before they finally decided to have a look at it and they changed the nozzle and problem solved :P

While I was riding in that car I could not feel the fact it was running on gas to be honest, so maybe its as simple as that to resolve,

The Don

Good info!! :D My friend got so frustrated he just uses petrol now and gas for long distances. Ill tell him to get it checked out again and get the nozze replaced. I think he got the conversion done at L**ghs.

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  streetKIA said:

Good info!! :D My friend got so frustrated he just uses petrol now and gas for long distances. Ill tell him to get it checked out again and get the nozze replaced. I think he got the conversion done at L**ghs.


By the way why dont we do a proper cost analysis.

What is the initial investment to convert the car into gas? What is the price of a gas liter? Does the car run the same milage compared to pertrol (km/L) If different any practical figure from expert users. Put all the figures and see how many miles do we have to run to cover the initial investment and then what is the savings.

Any experts in this????


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  aswe said:


By the way why dont we do a proper cost analysis.

What is the initial investment to convert the car into gas? What is the price of a gas liter? Does the car run the same milage compared to pertrol (km/L) If different any practical figure from expert users. Put all the figures and see how many miles do we have to run to cover the initial investment and then what is the savings.

Any experts in this????


i could contribute albeit with an age old experience (back when i was studying)

bdw my experience was with domestic cylinder!

toyota corolla dx wagon did 220km with AC under normal driving conditions(Manual tranny)

1996 nissan pulsar hatch did only 150km with AC under normal driving conditions and about 190km long distance(Auto tranny)

the cost of conversion was merely 15000-16500 Rs.

as this is for domestic cylinder u may do the necessary calculations for a normal conversion!

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