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hey guys,

thought i'd share some pictures i took today at the Evo Launch party. It was pretty interesting event. they actually got current mitsubishi owners with fancy cars to come down and have thier pictures taken with their car and some models (hehehe, who wouldnt liek that right??).. Also on the programme was a stunt show by Japanese Rally Driver Katsuhiko Taguchi. Oh they even flew down some japanese 'drag queens' though personally I prefered the Evo over them. and a lucky few even got to joyride with Taguchi in the EvoX...

Unfortunately the stunt show took part towards the night, so the pics werent as clear as i'd hoped... but something's better than nothing..

dsc0116rb4.th.jpg dsc0117tk0.th.jpg dsc0121rm2.th.jpg dsc0123hz8.th.jpg dsc0127dr5.th.jpg dsc0136dy5.th.jpg

dsc0202mj1.th.jpg dsc0225rv6.th.jpg dsc0258xn2.th.jpg dsc0334lh6.th.jpg

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  Overdrive said:
That would have been some show? Can't believe they take so long to launch these cars in UK, anyway very nice shots mate! Thanks for that. So how much are they selling these at?

it was a good show, but would have been nicer if they had some more lighting :D

And honestly the engine for some reason wasnt as loud as i'd expected.

it sells at S$136,000 including COE... so boild down to little over Rs.10 million.. yeah, cars arent eactly very cheap here either, but still a bit more feasible considering the earning capacity compared to in Sri Lanka.

So MadMax, who's getting the new evo x in SL?

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on the subject of EVO's, did anyone notice the PAJERO EVO in the H*tAd?

does anyone have an idea as to how much its worth? ...am i being too optimistic to peg it in the 2.5 mil region :unsure:

@Mivec.Turbo - is this the same vehicle you raced from 1999~2002


is the current owner Mr.N.H?

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:( I want my XSi. I shall def get it as soon at they release the damn thing!

Bad angles on the ladies Dilesh! But the moving ones look pretty good with the motion blur. The benefits of high ISO with low noise :( Steady hands to track it at those shutter speeds man :) Err, I'm assuming you used an SLR.

Really like that grey car. Pic 6 of the thrid set.

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  Pericles said:
:( I want my XSi. I shall def get it as soon at they release the damn thing!

Bad angles on the ladies Dilesh! But the moving ones look pretty good with the motion blur. The benefits of high ISO with low noise :( Steady hands to track it at those shutter speeds man :) Err, I'm assuming you used an SLR.

Really like that grey car. Pic 6 of the thrid set.

Thanks for the comments on the pics guys:) yeah it was an event worth being at...

Peri, actually I couldnt find someone to go with so had to handle 2 cams together.. i had my Sony on a tripod for video and the Nikon (D40x) in my hand just above the sony using the lower palms to rotate the sony to follow the car :D So in a way the Nikon was partially supported..

As for the angle on the ladies, well, like i said they were facing the official photographer who was on the other side of the car.. But when they werent facing that cam, they were facing us, and yeah i do have some 'good angles' of them too (oh and the 3 japanese 'race queens', no idea what that means), but didnt know if to put those pics up on AL..

As for the silver car it wasnt one by the agents.. it was one of the 10 or 14 Evo Xs there, that were importated privately, in fact there was another silver one parked right behind it followed by the Evo 9 that reminded me soo much of Dinesh Js one... (i've got some more pics in my FB album) hehee...

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  Dilesh said:
As for the angle on the ladies, well, like i said they were facing the official photographer who was on the other side of the car.. But when they werent facing that cam, they were facing us, and yeah i do have some 'good angles' of them too (oh and the 3 japanese 'race queens', no idea what that means), but didnt know if to put those pics up on AL..

That is why you have my personal email address. Now send!

And excuse me while I visit ur face book...

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  dilan_rs said:
This was in Kallang Stadium..... There will be a STI launch soon too.

hey Dilan, are you in S'pore?

actually it was outside the National Stadium.. As in at the entrance steps as some pictures would show:)

As for the Sti Launch, in theory Subaru wouldnt want to be outdone by Mitsubishi, so they SHOULD be launching the STi soon, but I havent heard anything to that nature from Subaru fans/drivers over here...

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  Dilesh said:
hey Dilan, are you in S'pore?

actually it was outside the National Stadium.. As in at the entrance steps as some pictures would show:)

As for the Sti Launch, in theory Subaru wouldnt want to be outdone by Mitsubishi, so they SHOULD be launching the STi soon, but I havent heard anything to that nature from Subaru fans/drivers over here...

i'd love to fly down there just for the STi launch... nice pics dilesh...

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  Dilesh said:
hey Dilan, are you in S'pore?

actually it was outside the National Stadium.. As in at the entrance steps as some pictures would show:)

As for the Sti Launch, in theory Subaru wouldnt want to be outdone by Mitsubishi, so they SHOULD be launching the STi soon, but I havent heard anything to that nature from Subaru fans/drivers over here...

Aite ill give some hints... As you would remember they had the STI9 launch in Suntec City.... If you remember that you would probably know MR.Russ Swift. According to the scooby club SG he'll be running the show.....

Actually the EVO9 launch was at the same place with the same Jap driver. Mitsubishi wanted to get the drift king Kei Tsuchiya to run the show but ultimately it did not workout right.

Scooby launch is gonna be awesome. MR.Russ behind the wheel you will never know the G factor. If you want a ride you can bid for it like last time. Its good as all the money is for charity. Last time i got a ride it was awesome. Simply was out of words to explain the feeling.

Just PM me i was in SG for a Lllllong time still every 2 to 3 months i go there to see ma other half.....

Ill PM you the place....... Another,F1 tickets are up for grabs in Esplanade.

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  dilan_rs said:
Aite ill give some hints... As you would remember they had the STI9 launch in Suntec City.... If you remember that you would probably know MR.Russ Swift. According to the scooby club SG he'll be running the show.....

Actually the EVO9 launch was at the same place with the same Jap driver. Mitsubishi wanted to get the drift king Kei Tsuchiya to run the show but ultimately it did not workout right.

Scooby launch is gonna be awesome. MR.Russ behind the wheel you will never know the G factor. If you want a ride you can bid for it like last time. Its good as all the money is for charity. Last time i got a ride it was awesome. Simply was out of words to explain the feeling.

Just PM me i was in SG for a Lllllong time still every 2 to 3 months i go there to see ma other half.....

Ill PM you the place....... Another,F1 tickets are up for grabs in Esplanade.

Cool, i think you mean the Singapore Motorshow in '06... though i dont think Subaru launched the STi 9 there cos i remember them being on the road way beofre that too... i dont know where you heard abt the STi launch, but if you say so, it should be a good show, considering Swift's last show...

I dont know if PMs work on AL, but drop me a mail sometime dilesh007<at>hotmail.com

As for F1, tickets can be bought all over S'pore (any post office actually).. finding one isnt the issue.. being able to afford one is... cheapest sells at S$168 (around Rs.12,000) and goes all the way upto $1388..

Sharkster, if you had three magic wishes, maybe you could use one to wish the STi Launch be towards the end fo September and then use another one for a ticket to watch F1, and the last for a air ticket to s'pore :D

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  Dilesh said:
Sharkster, if you had three magic wishes, maybe you could use one to wish the STi Launch be towards the end fo September and then use another one for a ticket to watch F1, and the last for a air ticket to s'pore :D

ROFL you'd be lying if you denied reading my mind!! then again i'd just use one wish for a lot of money and head there anyways! none-the-less please cover said events as usual :)

Edited by sharkster
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  sharkster said:
ROFL you'd be lying if you denied reading my mind!! then again i'd just use one wish for a lot of money and head there anyways! none-the-less please cover said events as usual :)

true true.... and they say money cant buy happines!! :D

If there is a STi launch definitely going.. As for F1, wellllllll, right now a bit off my budget... right now collecting for a camera lens... ... maybe Autolanka can sponsor my ticket :D and you guys can ALL be there with me (in spirit :D)

After reading all the Airforce related threads on SL, the Singapore airshow might interest most of you too... suposed to be one of the worlds 5 best... its coming up this weekend...

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