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Advance Registration Number Reservation


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Of cause... you can't get it without paying 75k. I'm talking about reserving the number without the valid documents of the vehicle...

When you are reserving the number you have to produce original documents and receipts that you get from the clearing agent. you don't have to pay 75k when you reserve the number. But you can reserve the number before the vehicle gets here by throwing some cash..

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I dont see the point of reserving a number without having a vehicle... Say you reserve wpKK-2222. But by the time your car comes KK might be too old by then.. since ur paying the 75k might as well get a newer plate like a KW-2222. Obviously the 'KW's market value too will be slightly more than then KK..

So why bother getting a plate without a car? you're not gonna walk the road with it around your neck right.. :P

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I know a person, who have done this.....

\Dude, please dont mislead members here.Advance vehicle number reservation fees have been revised from 20 May 2011. Rs.50,000 Rs.60,000 and Rs.70,000 will be charged to reserve a number in advance with in the limit of 10000, 20000, and 30000 numbers from the on-going number respectively.This reservation is in other words,is registration.Documents to produce including MTA-2, Custom entry AKA Custom 53,Custom duty docs,MTA3,Weight Certificate and a half a dozen more docs.No car no docs.I just did the same, First I checked the possibilities of the dirty avenues for advance registration,fortunately or unfortunately thats not possible now.Paying the right buck is THE only way..so please stop bullshitting here!!!MINIACE

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also now that only those who have 75k to throw can select numbers, you can pretty much have your choice within the 3,000 numbers. The issue previously was since the regn fee was only 7,500 everyone wanted a "matching" number so it was really difficult to get a nice number.

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