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Toyota Vios (Yom 2007 Upwards)



Hi guys,

Can anyone share details with me who's using a Toyota VIOS new model car (belta shape)? Followings are the important facts, I'd like to know.

1. Prize range of the car of 2007/2008 YOM

2. Fuel consumption

3. Possible mechanical issues while using

4. Reselling market.

I'd be expecting your genuine facts.

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Not sure of the price range. but since its a Vios the engine is 1.5 i suppose? it would give you around 10-12 per lit. ofcourse it would depend on how you step on the gas.

Reliable car. you wouldnt have seriouse mechanical issues as long as you do your services and the ware n tare replacements / maintenance on time.

Good luck

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Thanks dude. Got the only advice after 7 days :yahoo:. But I moved towards an Allion a couple of days before.

I heard that the reselling value of Vios becoming lower day by day because of Vios manufactured in China or Thailand.

Anyway, thanks again for your advice.

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