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Pajero Mini-comments Please


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  miniace said:

Exchange possible with a rusty old Mini ????? :lol:

:lol: hmmm i'd have quite seriosuly considered if it were a rusty old LANDY :D or even an ole CAPRI

...no offence - as much as i respect é Mighty Mini , i'm not a fan of small cars or hatches per say of any sort :(

but Mini's do have an allure - but i need a Landy cuz those things can be abused good n proper :D ...they were made for it :lol:

but in all seriousness i wouldnt mind a part exchange / exchange for a Butch Jeep of some sort... :)

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  Devinda_Z said:

out here é fuel pump has a lifespan of 150,000km's at best - said to be costly to repair so watch out... :mellow:

actually if you can stretch your fuel pump to 150K then i think you are set... the realistic figure for the pump on local fuel is around 50k is what i was told...

the good thing is that the gdi vehicles are far cheaper on the market (for me coz i'm looking to get a mitsu) plus i don't mind the risk of replacing the fuel pump.

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  miniace said:

GDis are proved a failure here now.Especially for SL users as Sulpher percentage in Gasoline is high here.

Wait, the mini mini pajero does not come with a GDI engine...Its a turbo efi

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  Hola said:

Wait, the mini mini pajero does not come with a GDI engine...Its a turbo efi

there were a range of engines on offer based on é Mitsubishi 4A3 4cylinder engine...

é bulk of é units i've seen are é 1.1L GDI's - this unit makes abt 72 BHP

but there is a possibity that a few of é older 660cc "kei class" powerplants made it here - those r said to have had a turbo...but not too sure..

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  Devinda_Z said:

there were a range of engines on offer based on é Mitsubishi 4A3 4cylinder engine...

é bulk of é units i've seen are é 1.1L GDI's - this unit makes abt 72 BHP

but there is a possibity that a few of é older 660cc "kei class" powerplants made it here - those r said to have had a turbo...but not too sure..

Yup, ive seen it myself, it got turbo.

machang even there is a Suzuki Alto which has 660cc turbo engine

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  Hola said:

Wait, the mini mini pajero does not come with a GDI engine...Its a turbo efi

No mine is normally aspirated and non GDi.Only the IO came GDi.

Oh almost forgot...I bought the Mini Pajero today.after a long absence a Mitsubishi is added to my poor inventory again. :D

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  miniace said:

Here are the pictures

IPB Image

wow miniace! It looks very grand and beuatiful!!!!!! Realy brother, excelent choice!!! Good luck and all the best for your new Jeep

  miniace said:

Thanks everone for posting comments here.

IPB Image

So your mini girl got a new boy huh? Those two look cute together. Machang - question? didnt you get a tyre cover on the back?

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  miniace said:

Thanks Hola Bro!! Yes the fleet is more Mini now :lol:

Didn't get the wheel cover,Rohith is making a fibre one for me :D

no no, dont, leave it like that. This looks elegent like it is now. Forget the cover

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  miniace said:

No mine is normally aspirated and non GDi.Only the IO came GDi.

Oh almost forgot...I bought the Mini Pajero today.after a long absence a Mitsubishi is added to my poor inventory again. :D

congrats on the purchase - we await pictures :)

is yours a ZR I or II ?

Oh& machan there are GDI Pajero JR's - i've seen a few and a friend ran one for a while - nothing to write home about bar the fuel economy :)

The GDI's were based on the same 4pot block as that which you run - but your Single OverHead Cam version ,on paper at least,is said to be the post powerful

but i belive your new acquisition is a pajero JR as opposed to a MINI which only came with the 660cc enigne,if i'm not mistaken...

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  Hola said:

no no, dont, leave it like that. This looks elegent like it is now. Forget the cover

I respect and take your opinion! Thanks again and she will stay exposed :D ..Now what am I to tell Rohith :o ?? get me an answer for that too :D

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Z machan shes a XR-I and 5spd MT 4WD normally aspirated 16valve 1000cc OHC Efi.Turbo version is 20V and DOHC I heard.

Photo is taken when parked next to the black cooper outside the garage but she is going to sit next to a very big guy when garaged :D

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  miniace said:

Z machan shes a XR-I and 5spd MT 4WD normally aspirated 16valve 1000cc OHC Efi.Turbo version is 20V and DOHC I heard.

Photo is taken when parked next to the black cooper outside the garage but she is going to sit next to a very big guy when garaged :D

a bit of an anomaly spec wise - but VERY CUTE :)

who's the "big guy" ?? :huh:

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  Devinda_Z said:

NICE :D ...care to tell us more abt the Merc ? :)

hmmm that Pajero mini is a very unusual choice for someone who's kinda into european cars né? :huh:

Thats a Merc W115 bit of an oldy.

About Pajero Mini...Love at the first sight :lol:

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  miniace said:

I respect and take your opinion! Thanks again and she will stay exposed :D ..Now what am I to tell Rohith :o ?? get me an answer for that too :D


Tell him you ran out of meny as you need to pay insurence and you will think about the tyre cover later. And later means never

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  milindu said:

I have a W108 (1972 280S) myself. Hoping to run the classic car rally on Sunday.

Great!! No machan no chance.Im outa town and Dad busy this weekend.But she will parade for a charity walk next month organised by Lions.

You a merc owners club member??

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  miniace said:

Great!! No machan no chance.Im outa town and Dad busy this weekend.But she will parade for a charity walk next month organised by Lions.

You a merc owners club member??

Obviously, i think merc club is the largest car club

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