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Lancer Cedia 2002 Model


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Hi guys,

was planning on getting the Lancer Cedia 2002 model. It's in a good condition.

-Are there any known issues/problems on this model?

-Vut's the current price range for this (1500cc automatic transmission)?

-How's it on fuel?

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hi machan,one of my friends is having one if these cars and according to him the only problem that he is having is with with the fuel injection system.GDI engines need atleast 98 octane petrol but here in SL we dont get thet, do we?the result would be bad fuel comsumption.anyway if you decide to buy one make sure you pump the best petrol available, which is the 95octane petrol.my friends claims that it does 6-7.5KM/L in colombo, depending on the traffic levels.

Edited by GearHead
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  GearHead said:
hi machan,one of my friends is having one if these cars and according to him the only problem that he is having is with with the fuel injection system.GDI engines need atleast 98 octane petrol but here in SL we dont get thet, do we?the result would be bad fuel comsumption.anyway if you decide to buy one make sure you pump the best petrol available, which is the 95octane petrol.my friends claims that it does 6-7.5KM/L in colombo, depending on the traffic levels.

yup.. 95 is what i use for my other lancer too...

is it an automatic gear'd car tht ur friend has too?

how's the price level of it?

Thanx a bunch machn....

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  qasid said:
yup.. 95 is what i use for my other lancer too...

is it an automatic gear'd car tht ur friend has too?

how's the price level of it?

Thanx a bunch machn....

yea machan its an auto. not a single complaint about the car other than the fuel consumtion...however there was a leak in the upper part of the radiator and it cost him around Rs.60000 to get a brand new one from the mitsubishi dealers.dont know the used car prices but an unreg would cost you around 2.3 to 2.4mil. machan tell you one thing though,once heard that the second have value of the cedea is low due to its GDI engine issues so a 2002 YOM one wouldnt cost you that much..

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  qasid said:
Hi guys,

was planning on getting the Lancer Cedia 2002 model. It's in a good condition.

-Are there any known issues/problems on this model?

-Vut's the current price range for this (1500cc automatic transmission)?

-How's it on fuel?

If it has a GDI engine, you can expect some costly repairs down the line.

Fuel Pump Failure and subsequent Need for Engine Rebuild are very common on these engines because they are designed to run on higher octane fuel than what is available here.

You'd be better off looking for a Brand new one which was importd through the agents because it will have a non-GDI engine and they can guarantee any repair work done by them.

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Its actually the high sulfur content that causes the problems with GDI's and lack of fuel economy, Even in Europe GDI's do not reach their full potential, and suffer from lack of fuel efficiency, and mind you we have 98 petrol, and if its just the octane level you could use octane booster,

I think the next generation of GDI's would address this problem (fingers crossed)

The Don

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  qasid said:
so basically does it mean that i should go for the CEDIA or is it not recomended

:( i'm not a car expert

If you go for a Cedia you should just be prepared to contend with those issues,

GDI technology came about as a method of achieving better levels of efficiency in the combustion process as it is capable of achieving ultra lean burn under low engine loads, problem is because of petrol impurities the system doesn't work well in a lot of places outside Japan ! resulting in loss of fuel efficiency not gain,

if you are going to do a lot of miles, this might be something you need to consider, and sadly so, because I have always been a great fan of Mitsubishi's but obviously this was quite a blunder by Mitsubishi in my opinion though they were very bold to come out with new technology, they should have made sure it was robust enough to work in different environments

Renault apparently has improved upon this technology and the system their cars use do not have this problem, obviously cos it was developed in Europe

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  qasid said:
are all the lancer's that came after the CK2 having this same issue?

bro go for a brand new import then you can avoid the GDI engine..if i am not mistaken only the domestic version cedia came with the GDI.

@ DON ...machan are you sure that we have 98 octane here in SL...pls name some petrol stations machan..thanks.

Edited by GearHead
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  qasid said:
are all the lancer's that came after the CK2 having this same issue?

The ones with the GDI engines have the issue, I do not know if any of them came with an electronic fuel injection other than GDI (like their standard EFI MULTI system) but I do know you get carb models which do not suffer from any of these problems, but they are carbs not EFI

and to gearhead,

we do not have 98 Octane petrol in SL, we have 95 but using octane booster or by mixing Toluene you can achieve 98 or I think 100 Octane fuel from 95

I was referring to Europe when I was talking about 98 RON, and the problems with GDI's still persist as its not something to do with the octane figure of petrol. GDI's failed in Europe as well

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  qasid said:
the Cedia MX-E that i looked at had a EFI engine machang...

is that having the same technical problem with fuel wastage?

again, thanks a bunch guys ;)

If you look at the throttle body cover, if it says EFI Multi or EFI Cyclone or something similar (I think they don't make cyclones anymore) then its most probably a non GDI based fuel injection system,

I assume the GDI's would clearly indicate it is a GDI engine (as it was meant to be a selling point not a deterrent)

I use a car with EFI Multi and I must say its pretty decent, get it checked up by a good mechanic just to be sure but if it standard multi point electronic fuel injection it should not suffer from the problems the GDI units suffered in SL to the best of my knowledge,

But remember GDI is an Electronic Fuel Injection technology (Stands for Gasoline Direct Injection) so inspect the engine very carefully for any hints to see if its for sure a GDI or not,

anybody else have any ideas ?


The Don

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  qasid said:
Hi guys,

was planning on getting the Lancer Cedia 2002 model. It's in a good condition.

-Are there any known issues/problems on this model?

-Vut's the current price range for this (1500cc automatic transmission)?

-How's it on fuel?

There are private users in Sri Lanka running GDi engines without major isssues by changing the fuel filters on a regular basis. The problems come after some abuse. You won't know how well maintained a car is when you buy one used in this regard. I have noted quite a few vehicles with misses and check engine bulbs coming on and no one knowing what to do.

A car I know in good condition and H Reg plates sold for 1.5mil after the owner pulled out the Cedia letters (badging) and advertised it as a Lancer. He tried for 2-3 weeks to sell it as a Cedia.

Mazda 323/ Nissan FB 15 are easier/cheaper cars to buy and maintain at that price range (Corollas are closer to 1.7mil now).

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One of My Friend own a Cedia GT, fuel consupmtion is very poor, still no problems with the GDI unit, anyway the second hand value is very low, Even a J- will go around 1.5mill to 1.7 ( to sell 1.7 u need to have lods of skills and luck, lol)

Cant Recomend anyone to Buy a Cedia for Day to day use, better go for a Toyota or any other, but if u a hardcore mitsu fan, go for Non GDI Lancer

Even an Evo do more fuel than the Cedia with GDI

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  • 2 weeks later...
  GihanFX said:
One of My Friend own a Cedia GT, fuel consupmtion is very poor, still no problems with the GDI unit, anyway the second hand value is very low, Even a J- will go around 1.5mill to 1.7 ( to sell 1.7 u need to have lods of skills and luck, lol)

Cant Recomend anyone to Buy a Cedia for Day to day use, better go for a Toyota or any other, but if u a hardcore mitsu fan, go for Non GDI Lancer

Even an Evo do more fuel than the Cedia with GDI

Hi Guys,

i got the cedia checked from the company.

the report says that the Injectors need cleanin, complete engine tuneup, 3 Engine mounts need to be replaced.

Rack ends, tierod ends needs to be replaced, wheel alignment needs to be done.

Auto Transmission & power steering oil leak.

Front suspension bushes, links need to be replaced.

tires need to be replaced.

what do u'll think about this machang, does it mean a red light for me?

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  qasid said:
Hi Guys,

i got the cedia checked from the company.

the report says that the Injectors need cleanin, complete engine tuneup, 3 Engine mounts need to be replaced.

Rack ends, tierod ends needs to be replaced, wheel alignment needs to be done.

Auto Transmission & power steering oil leak.

Front suspension bushes, links need to be replaced.

tires need to be replaced.

what do u'll think about this machang, does it mean a red light for me?


Forget that car dude. I would aways recomend you a UNREG CAR. COS AT THE END OF 3-4 YEARS YOU WILL BE SPENDING THE SAME VALUE IF YOU BUY A USED CAR.


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  Velocity said:

Forget that car dude. I would aways recomend you a UNREG CAR. COS AT THE END OF 3-4 YEARS YOU WILL BE SPENDING THE SAME VALUE IF YOU BUY A USED CAR.


Agree with velocity... CEASE AND DESIST... even if the price is very attractive, the Money (and even more so the time!) you have to spend sorting that lot out is probably not worth it....

What kind of price is it going at can you tell us?

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agree with the guys... the repairs/replacements are classic signed that the owner hasnt taken care of the car well enough.. steering rack etc gets messed up when you steer when the car is not moving (we dont feel it cos of P.steering, but the frictional forces from the wheels puts a lot of strain on the steering rack/rod-ends... and suspension mount faults say its been over few too many put holes, and the owner didnt bother to check every now and again if they were loose.. same goes for egine mounts.. when a mount is loose, it causes movement, which weakens the rubber bushes further at an exponential rate.. its not a very uncommon model, so would probably be best to keep looking....

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  Supra_Natural said:
Agree with velocity... CEASE AND DESIST... even if the price is very attractive, the Money (and even more so the time!) you have to spend sorting that lot out is probably not worth it....

What kind of price is it going at can you tell us?

machn.. my budget is about 1.8m

i was gonna settle tht car for 17.25... guess tht's really tooo much for the cedia tht only LOOKs ok from out...

thanx a bunch for the remarks guys...

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good idea bro...as dilesh also mentioned machan those are signs that the previous owner hasnt really taken care of this car.so its highly likely that this car would give you more trouble in years to come..and you dont need a car to be a big head ache, do you?as velocity pionted out going for a unreg car would be a very vice idea provided that you could raise some additional finance.

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