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What Car Do You Think Has The Best Interior Of All Time?


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a thread to compare and find the best interior on a car you have never seen in person? are you really this retarded?

Actually I have seen every single one of these cars in person. And I have sat in all of them except the Bugatti.

Anyway that is not important, because your assertion that someone has to see something in person to determine if it is visually appealing to them or not is idiotic.

How do you think the thousands of architects, painters, sculptors, interior designers, landscape designers, town planners, aspiring car designers, and all visual artists in Sri Lanka learned their trade and artistic style? They sure as hell didn't go jetting around the world to see all those things in person to determine if the design appeals to them or not. They looked at books, videos, photos and drawings from around the world and learned from that.

Most twelve year old boys can look at a photo of a Ferrari or Lamborghini and know that they like it and it's their favorite car without ever having seen one. A person doesn't need to see something in person to determine if they like the design or not.

Only you would be so retarded to think in such a way.

Now, I would tell you to run along and to not pollute some other thread with your negativity and stupidity, but that is useless. You, negativity, and stupidity are one and the same.

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Actually I have seen every single one of these cars in person. And I have sat in all of them except the Bugatti.

Anyway that is not important, because your assertion that someone has to see something in person to determine if it is visually appealing to them or not is idiotic.

How do you think the thousands of architects, painters, sculptors, interior designers, landscape designers, town planners, aspiring car designers, and all visual artists in Sri Lanka learned their trade and artistic style? They sure as hell didn't go jetting around the world to see all those things in person to determine if the design appeals to them or not. They looked at books, videos, photos and drawings from around the world and learned from that.

Most twelve year old boys can look at a photo of a Ferrari or Lamborghini and know that they like it and it's their favorite car without ever having seen one. A person doesn't need to see something in person to determine if they like the design or not.

Only you would be so retarded to think in such a way.

Now, I would tell you to run along and to not pollute some other thread with your negativity and stupidity, but that is useless. You, negativity, and stupidity are one and the same.

I like to see the interior of your skull. Want to say hooooooo and listen to that echo... ;)

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Anyway that is not important, because your assertion that someone has to see something in person to determine if it is visually appealing to them or not is idiotic.

Not at all. Pictures lie most of the time. Most are taken at angles that make the car loo good and are photoshopped. This is especially true when looking at interiors. To get a real idea of what car would have the best interior, you would have to sit in it and get a real life view. Eitherway googlepappa this is thread is just as boring as your other threads. Now don't cry ok?

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I like the interior of Jessica Alba's pants. Got any pics Californikitron?

Dude, you're going about it completely backwards. You have to at least see it FIRST before knowing whether you like it or not. How can you like it if you've never seen it? Maybe its a hairy jungle in there. Maybe it's a perfectly waxed camel toe. You can't know if whats in her pants appeals to you until you have seen it first.

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Not at all. Pictures lie most of the time. Most are taken at angles that make the car loo good and are photoshopped. This is especially true when looking at interiors. To get a real idea of what car would have the best interior, you would have to sit in it and get a real life view. Eitherway googlepappa this is thread is just as boring as your other threads. Now don't cry ok?

That's very limited, either-or thinking.

What you are saying is akin to telling someone who looks at a car magazine and has the opinion that they like the interior of the Ferrari 458, but don't like the interior of the Lamborghini Aventador that their opinion is useless and invalid because they have not seen the cars in person.

True, it is best to see something in person, but most people on the planet cannot go see in person all the things they would like to see. So what do they do? They do the next best thing. They look at a picture or video of it in a magazine, book, or computer.

Yes, it is best to see something in person, but since this is impractical or impossible for most people, forming an opinion based on a picture is the perfectly reasonable and valid next best option.

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That's very limited, either-or thinking.

What you are saying is akin to telling someone who looks at a car magazine and has the opinion that they like the interior of the Ferrari 458, but don't like the interior of the Lamborghini Aventador that their opinion is useless and invalid because they have not seen the cars in person.

True, it is best to see something in person, but most people on the planet cannot go see in person all the things they would like to see. So what do they do? They do the next best thing. They look at a picture or video of it in a magazine, book, or computer.

Yes, it is best to see something in person, but since this is impractical or impossible for most people, forming an opinion based on a picture is the perfectly reasonable and valid next best option.

You are the kind of guy who would see a picture of a beautiful girl from Russia and pay mony to bring her down here only to find out she has an adams apple.

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You are the kind of guy who would see a picture of a beautiful girl from Russia and pay mony to bring her down here only to find out she has an adams apple.

I like your example.

But, actually, I would look at a picture of that girl and use it to determine if I found her attractive or not. Nothing more, nothing less.

Girls are not like cars. Every girl is very different. A particular make and model of car is almost the same. If you like one brand new Ferrari 458, you will probably like them all. That's definitely not true for girls.

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Most twelve year old boys can look at a photo of a Ferrari or Lamborghini and know that they like it and it's their favorite car without ever having seen one. A person doesn't need to see something in person to determine if they like the design or not.

Please everyone don't mess up this twelve year old boy's dream,

His mom must have pasted those pics on his wall.

He is comparing today's cars with the 90s ones because they all will be old when he grows up.

Edited by toyota sucks
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