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Colombo Cctv Road Accidents


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Looking at these videos,it's so clear that they're completely avoidable accidents.

Can't believe the negligence and stupidity of SL people.

Before you blame the Sri Lankans on this, take a look at some CCTV action from China. Our boys are not nearly as bad as these guys.

Edited by Mani
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Before you blame the Sri Lankans on this, take a look at some CCTV action from China. Our boys are not nearly as bad as these guys.

Truly horrifying.What do I supposed to say now? can't believe the nigligence and stupidity of Asian people? Still not.I've seen Mexicans flying right through red lights and some blonds cruising through stop sighns .

SL drivers may not the worse but it doesn't mean that "ours is not that bad and we can live with it"just because someone else doing shitier than us,right?

We can make comparisons if we do the right thing here as a whole,not while we do the wrong thing .

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Truly horrifying.What do I supposed to say now? can't believe the nigligence and stupidity of Asian people? Still not.I've seen Mexicans flying right through red lights and some blonds cruising through stop sighns .

SL drivers may not the worse but it doesn't mean that "ours is not that bad and we can live with it"just because someone else doing shitier than us,right?

We can make comparisons if we do the right thing here as a whole,not while we do the wrong thing .

Looks like you're answering your own questions. People are stupid [that includes you and me] and accidents do happen. There is a whole industry that counts on our stupidity for survival. Our boys are not doing anything any dumber than the rest of the world.

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Looks like you're answering your own questions. People are stupid [that includes you and me] and accidents do happen. There is a whole industry that counts on our stupidity for survival. Our boys are not doing anything any dumber than the rest of the world.

I don't get what you mean by "answering my own questions".Accidents do happen there is no way we can totaly stop them .My whole point is the vast majoriy of accidents happen in SL roads are avoidable if our poeple have proper dicipline.

And I know one thing for sure,I ain't that stupid.

I see you're a lot patriotic wich is great,but we have to be honest to ourselves at least once in a while .If we don't accept the depth of the shit we're in,there's no way getting out of it any sooner.

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I don't get what you mean by "answering my own questions".Accidents do happen there is no way we can totaly stop them .My whole point is the vast majoriy of accidents happen in SL roads are avoidable if our poeple have proper dicipline.

And I know one thing for sure,I ain't that stupid.

I see you're a lot patriotic wich is great,but we have to be honest to ourselves at least once in a while .If we don't accept the depth of the shit we're in,there's no way getting out of it any sooner.

Dude, this has nothing to do with being patriotic. The point that I'm trying to make is very simple. People do stupid shit. That is a fact of life. The fact is that 99.99% of the accident are avoidable regardless of which part of the world they are happening. They are caused by someone doing something stupid. Stupidity is universal. <<<<<<<<<< this is my point.

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Before you blame the Sri Lankans on this, take a look at some CCTV action from China. Our boys are not nearly as bad as these guys.

Bit of a racist remark..Maybe they see less when they have chinky eyes? :-)

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CCTV cameras are not to reduce accidnts overnight!

by looking at these we can see many of them happened bcoz f not giving right of way in a roundaabout

these vidoes can be run on tv to show the gravity and educate people and can spot accident prone areas to authorities

traffic cops messing it up by silly directions is something that needs to be done as an urgent thing too

What good has the installation of CCTV cameras done? Accidents have not reduced, and traffic has got even worse (spurred on by stupid traffic plans and idiot cops directing against the traffic lights).

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What good has the installation of CCTV cameras done? Accidents have not reduced, and traffic has got even worse (spurred on by stupid traffic plans and idiot cops directing against the traffic lights).

Now people can post videos of other people in SL crashing into each other?

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  • 6 months later...

Rather than opening a new thread -

Motorists beware! Mobile CCTV is everywhere!

Sunday, 22 April 2012 21:20

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The latest mobile Closed Circuit TeleVision (CCTV) system introduced by the Police this week could pick up pictures from a distance of 1.5 km, capture images at night and read a number plate at a distance of 200 metres.

The mobile CCTV van was on its first operation on the streets this week, a day after it was launched by Police Chief N.K. Illangakoon. The camera mounted on a van parked alongside Galle Face Green, in its first operation, was monitoring traffic, and took action against eight drivers for various traffic offences.

The Sunday Times was permitted to witness the CCTV capturing images of a Fort-Panadura private bus entering Galle Road from the Parliament roundabout, and proceeding on the wrong lane.

The driver was unaware that the bus was under surveillance from a camera zooming in from some 800 metres away. The bus proceeding on the right lane, reverted to the left lane close to the next roundabout where traffic policemen are usually stationed.

In the process, the CCTV camera had captured all the images of the driver committing the offence.

When traffic policemen halted the bus, the immediate reaction of the driver was that he had not committed an offence, but when confronted with the evidence from the CCTV camera he admitted committing the offence.

Assistant Superintendent T. Gamlath, who is in charge of the CCTV Unit, said the mobile unit would supplement some 100 CCTV cameras set up at various points in Colombo and the suburbs.

“The mobile unit will help maintain surveillance of some of the areas which are not covered by the CCTV system launched in December 2011,” he said.

He said the mobile unit camera could be rotated 360 degrees, and the images captured, even in rain, could be monitored from headquarters. “The system could be made use of to control crowds at events such as matches, festivals and demonstrations, to facilitate V*P movements and crowd control during a fire or when a natural disaster occurs,” he said adding that it could also be used in crime prevention.

From within the mobile unit, officers manning the system are able to communicate with the police stations.

A second mobile vehicle with similar facilities will also be introduced shortly, but the vehicle would be unmarked, the ASP said. The vehicles will be used in Colombo and outstations, depending on the requirement.

Police spokesman Ajith Rohana told the Sunday Times that the programme was an expansion of the CCTV scheme launched by Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa, at a cost of Rs 227 million.He said the images captured on camera are admissible as evidence in court.

The programme is being implemented with assistance from the Moratuwa University with Senior Lecturer B.S. Samarasiri acting as the project advisor.

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It means once La Familia is done selling the whole country to China, you will need to learn to eat with chopsticks.

Assuming we people will have something to eat

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