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2Nd Hand Market Of The Hybrid Vehicles



Im using a Toyota Axio.Wish to sell it and buy a new hybrid.But i wonder about its 2nd hand market.I've never heard of anyone using a second hand one..

In my opinion hybrid is more sophisticated and worth driving for its minimal fuel expenses.But on the otherhand its more like a computer and vulnerable to electronic damage and the battery is expensive;Further more, its said that long distance travel is not worthy than the short distance one.

The current gov budget proposal is more towards the supportin of the hybrids.So I hope more will be used in future and options would be available.

So is it worth to buy a hybrid regardless of the second hand value..?

I value your reply..


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Prius vehicles more reliable than we think they are. Check below;

Toyota Prius Hybrid Taxi Clocks 1 Million Kilometers in Vienna

Hybrid batteries getting more and more reliable and affordable. If the battery is faulty, individual cells can be diagnosed and replaced.

Like you replace used parts of your normal gasoline vehicle this will become just another part replacement in the future.

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Prius vehicles more reliable than we think they are. Check below;

Toyota Prius Hybrid Taxi Clocks 1 Million Kilometers in Vienna


Hybrid batteries getting more and more reliable and affordable. If the battery is faulty, individual cells can be diagnosed and replaced.

Like you replace used parts of your normal gasoline vehicle this will become just another part replacement in the future.

Ah... Californikan's gal kolla is in the house.

ONE prius clocked 1million km in Vienna. On the other hand, there was ONE white third gen 2011 prius that was imported to sri lanka with a fully dead battery and it was unloaded to some poor unsuspecting soul by the importer about 6 months back.

So One-all I guess!

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Ah... Californikan's gal kolla is in the house.

ONE prius clocked 1million km in Vienna. On the other hand, there was ONE white third gen 2011 prius that was imported to sri lanka with a fully dead battery and it was unloaded to some poor unsuspecting soul by the importer about 6 months back.

So One-all I guess!

And I wonder how mnay kmpl this million-kilometer car gets currently.

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aney mehemath google-chandi. you want examples of prii doing well? why go so far as europe. why you didn't know there's a prius in sri lanka, been here over a decade, and does 29kmpl, clocking over 300,000km? you've heard of a first gen prius?

or were you still breast feeding back then?

Edited by Komisiripala
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aney mehemath google-chandi. you want examples of prii doing well? why go so far as europe. why you didn't know there's a prius in sri lanka, been here over a decade, and does 29kmpl, clocking over 300,000km? you've heard of a first gen prius?

or were you still breast feeding back then?

No machan. These guys dont know wtf first gen prii because..

1. tax cuts were not there for hybrids back then

2. car sale buggers had not started importing them by the shipload back then

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I know one car importer imported many Hybrids to S L before the taxes were increased, he sold all of them without any difficulty.

Our technicians will take little more time to get used to maintain them. Like when we had a fear of using Toque converter cars.

Today most repair work shops have engine scanners, many technicians are getting trained for electrical repairs of them.

I think future will be full electric vehicle with charging facility's on every town. Hybrids also will be there.

Sylvi Wijesinghe.

Sylvi Wijesinghe.

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No matter what each of you says, Hybrid and Electric cars are the future. Someday you guys have to accept this no matter how bitter that is going to be. No one cannot change the trend of SL buyers going for Hybrid vehicles. Fuel cost will rise with introduction of new Octane levels from next year. And the trend towards Hybrids will get accelerated.

Next post onward, I'm expecting all of you releasing each of your frustration over this comment :sport-smiley-004:

Go on guys, show how frustrated each of you are .....

Cheers ..

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No matter what each of you says, Hybrid and Electric cars are the future. Someday you guys have to accept this no matter how bitter that is going to be. No one cannot change the trend of SL buyers going for Hybrid vehicles. Fuel cost will rise with introduction of new Octane levels from next year. And the trend towards Hybrids will get accelerated.

Next post onward, I'm expecting all of you releasing each of your frustration over this comment :sport-smiley-004:

Go on guys, show how frustrated each of you are .....

Cheers ..

The title of the thread is "2Nd Hand Market Of The Hybrid Vehicles".

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No matter what each of you says, Hybrid and Electric cars are the future. Someday you guys have to accept this no matter how bitter that is going to be. No one cannot change the trend of SL buyers going for Hybrid vehicles. Fuel cost will rise with introduction of new Octane levels from next year. And the trend towards Hybrids will get accelerated.

Next post onward, I'm expecting all of you releasing each of your frustration over this comment :sport-smiley-004:

Go on guys, show how frustrated each of you are .....

Cheers ..

Yeah its funny how they get pissed over hybrids

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No matter what each of you says, Hybrid and Electric cars are the future. Someday you guys have to accept this no matter how bitter that is going to be. No one cannot change the trend of SL buyers going for Hybrid vehicles. Fuel cost will rise with introduction of new Octane levels from next year. And the trend towards Hybrids will get accelerated.

Next post onward, I'm expecting all of you releasing each of your frustration over this comment :sport-smiley-004:

Go on guys, show how frustrated each of you are .....

Cheers ..

haiyo.. can you two Colvins drop it.

One day when hybrid (battery technology) is capable of giving an uncompromised ride and performance similar to the conventional gasoline engine everyone will buy them. But it probably wont be here for 5-10 years. And at that point most of us here will go buy a hybrid which is of that era's technology. And it wont be a 2013 Toyota Prius. So stop pushing CURRENT hybrids as the pinnacle of hybrid technology.

It's like somebody in the year 2003 telling everyone that they should buy a 32MB pen-drive cos that 32MB pen drive is the future of storage. But how many of those thumb-drives are actually in use today? Heck, my 32mb drive was so prone to corruption I threw it away in under a year. And today no-one would even take a 32MB thumb-drive from 2003 if it's give for free. And that's what will happen to YOUR hybrids too

Edited by Watchman
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No one cannot change? So you mean someone can? Clearly your grasp on hybrids is just as good as your English is. Get back on google and search what a "double negative" is. Hoo hoo! Hukki hukki Hoo!!

Come on Shanaka, you can do better than this. You had so much Hate + frustration those days. Show it up .. :sport-smiley-004:

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haiyo.. can you two Colvins drop it.

One day when hybrid (battery technology) is capable of giving an uncompromised ride and performance similar to the conventional gasoline engine everyone will buy them. But it probably wont be here for 5-10 years. And at that point most of us here will go buy a hybrid which is of that era's technology. And it wont be a 2013 Toyota Prius. So stop pushing CURRENT hybrids as the pinnacle of hybrid technology.

It's like somebody in the year 2003 telling everyone that they should buy a 32MB pen-drive cos that 32MB pen drive is the future of storage. But how many of those thumb-drives are actually in use today? Heck, my 32mb drive was so prone to corruption I threw it away in under a year. And today no-one would even take a 32MB thumb-drive from 2003 if it's give for free. And that's what will happen to YOUR hybrids too

haiyo.. can you two Colvins drop it.

One day when hybrid (battery technology) is capable of giving an uncompromised ride and performance similar to the conventional gasoline engine everyone will buy them. But it probably wont be here for 5-10 years. And at that point most of us here will go buy a hybrid which is of that era's technology. And it wont be a 2013 Toyota Prius. So stop pushing CURRENT hybrids as the pinnacle of hybrid technology.

It's like somebody in the year 2003 telling everyone that they should buy a 32MB pen-drive cos that 32MB pen drive is the future of storage. But how many of those thumb-drives are actually in use today? Heck, my 32mb drive was so prone to corruption I threw it away in under a year. And today no-one would even take a 32MB thumb-drive from 2003 if it's give for free. And that's what will happen to YOUR hybrids too

Dude-this thumb-drive example is a very lame one... So in that case you will have to wait till the ultimate thumb-driver comes in to play... So do you think 1TB hard drive will have the same value in next 5 years? Technology is evolving so fast dude... We have to accept and move on with it... Do not worry about resell value.. Enjoy the technology... According to your example you will have to wait forever to buy a hybrid...

Same example Happened to one idiot I know.., he wanted to buy a Samsung S sereius flat screen TV years ago but still he has not bought a one because technology is moving so fast that he did not have courage to buy a one.. He could have sold his old fashioned TV easily and bought a flat screen one if he did it at right time..now nobody would want to buy that old fashioned TV even if it gives for free..

Same thing will happen to gasoline cars also bro ;-)

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Oh you googled my internet handle! Oh god you are a hoot!!! Oooh I'm soooo scared. Aney gono, ask zeeboy to teach you to read first. It's "Shanka Manawadu" not "Shanaka".

And secondly. Shanka Manawadu is an executive who lives in New York and drives a BMW. He is not on Autolanka.

And he hates prii as much as I do.

You wanna know who I am? Ask your mother...

Edited by Komisiripala
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No matter what each of you says, Hybrid and Electric cars are the future. Someday you guys have to accept this no matter how bitter that is going to be. No one cannot change the trend of SL buyers going for Hybrid vehicles. Fuel cost will rise with introduction of new Octane levels from next year. And the trend towards Hybrids will get accelerated.

Next post onward, I'm expecting all of you releasing each of your frustration over this comment :sport-smiley-004:

Go on guys, show how frustrated each of you are .....

Cheers ..

We are frustrated, that people like you think they are being revolutionary by stating the bloody obvious. I hope you didn't strain your crystal ball trying to figure out that people (like you) are cheap and want cheap transportation. We already know this. But here is the thing. We don't give a rats arse. Thats not what we want.

You see, we actually follow the subject of cars, we knew about hybrids before it was introduced to people like you by government tax breaks, thats why people come here to ask us questions. Because we already know the things you seem to think are you so clever to discover only now. We know, and we just don't care.

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We are frustrated, that people like you think they are being revolutionary by stating the bloody obvious. I hope you didn't strain your crystal ball trying to figure out that people (like you) are cheap and want cheap transportation. We already know this. But here is the thing. We don't give a rats arse. Thats not what we want.

You see, we actually follow the subject of cars, we knew about hybrids before it was introduced to people like you by government tax breaks, thats why people come here to ask us questions. Because we already know the things you seem to think are you so clever to discover only now. We know, and we just don't care.

Thanks Preveen, was expecting you .. Hope all the trading systems you support in order .. so that you could participate this post with your hate + frustration .. I guess you could do better .. :sport-smiley-004:

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Seriously chams you gotta grow some b*lls & stop getting personal with names n stuff. Its better for everyone if we discuss the topic at hand. I think its beyond doubt that by now the 2nd hand market for hybrids are very much in question. Whatever the outcome you have to accept that you dont know rats ass about maintaining a hybrid by yourself whereras most of these gentlemen here are quite versant with their petrol engines than you'd ever will be with your IMA hybrid. So sadly we wont be seeing any hybrids selling for absurd prices like a 20 year old gasoline only corolla.

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Thanks Preveen, was expecting you .. Hope all the trading systems you support in order .. so that you could participate this post with your hate + frustration .. I guess you could do better .. :sport-smiley-004:

Go ahead dude... google my handle and give my real name too :)

U think that will make people scared ha?

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