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Vitz/Fit hybrid/Passo/Stingray



Hi, i sold my Eclipse Cross and looking for small budget car my maximum budget is 5.5 mil, as im planning on migration i will have sell it within one or one and half years, with current market rate my options are

1) Vitz KSP130

2) Fit hybrid GP4 or GP5

3) Passo 2016/17

4) Stingray 2017/18

Looking for an expert advice from u all,pros and cons of these,my favourite is Honda fit GP4, bec its a sporty looking fun to drive car, my only worry is health of the hybrid battery, 

Pls advice TIA


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Resale depends on your price - anything sells if priced right. The most 'in-demand' car of course would be the KSP130. But at the end of the day - you have to drive what you like. If you like the GP4/GP5 you will most certainly not like the noisy underpowered spartan Vitz/Passo...nor will you appreciate the Wagon R  - The GP4 is a nice car and the GP5 with the DCT is even more fun to drive. The GP5 generation Honda's improved vastly on the batteries and tend to last a lot longer. The downer with the GP5 would be the DCT issues (locally  - again not a fault with the car) The GP4 being older and based on the IMA would run the risk of battery but no inherent issues with the GP4. Mind you GP4's are not that common. 1 and a half years is a long time (specially in Sri Lankan context where things change pretty quickly) and we cannot predict the market  and if you drive a lot/daily then go for what you like - the GP4 or the GP5. If your commutes are just few km per day to pick up the kids from school/shopping etc the Passo or the Vitz would fit the bill - simply because it's pointless to keep a hybrid for small commutes.  Another thing between the Passo and the Vitz - I personally find the Passo to be a bit more refined than the vitz specially since we tend to get more 'higher specced' passos compared to vitz's

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You have answered your own question. Go with the GP4 is that is what you like. GP5 if you want some of the niggles with the GP4 fixed/updated. The GP5 era was a time Honda started over integrating allt he systems in the car. So, even if the key fob battery dies the dashboard will light up like a thorana until it freaks you out that you run to the agent. 

The Vitz...the Vitz being easily resale-able is a hit or miss thing like every other Toyota. Almost all your common Toyotas are over priced and there will be morons who buy it at the over priced rate. So you too will be paying a lot for very little. But at the end of the day....any car will sell as long as it is honest and priced reasonably. this is something most Toyotas are not so only the morons and brokers will be buying these and even then they will do whatever possible to cut your price down.

The 1L Vitz is nothing but a budget run around car. In Japan they are business cars (used by companies to have staff deliver product, etc...) or first time cars for young kids. They are only good to run around town sitting in traffic. The only Vitz variant that will come anywhere close to a Fit is the 1.3L or 1.5L variants (depending on the model you are looking at). Those are rare in SL (goes to show the type of the majority buying Vitz...so you can't expect much in terms of how good the car is).

StingRay...again..little city car. Not good on space...not good on highways or hill climbs...even living in Japan I would not buy a used kei car. The little 660cc engines of these cars have been hacked to death by getting rev'd up to the red line on highways.

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  On 7/22/2023 at 12:06 PM, iRage said:

So you too will be paying a lot for very little. But at the end of the day....any car will sell as long as it is honest and priced reasonably. this is something most Toyotas are not so only the morons and brokers will be buying these and even then they will do whatever possible to cut your price down.


This is quite true - specially when you're selling a very common aka "market" vehicle. Your buyer is almost always a broker - and he will find 101 reasons and come up with a 'market price' based on the number of the car. This is not the case when you sell a relatively less popular car. So in reality while you attract a lot of potential buyers for a common car like a vitz, most of the time you will be selling your car for a lot less than you hoped for. 

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Thanks @matroska @iRage

yes my 1st preference is GP4

2012 / 2014

2nd Owner

102000kmmm 5.5 million well maintained good car

I dono, is it worth for this price, but i don't have time go on a car hunt, decided to go for it. Really its a fun to drive compare to Vitz and Passo 

Thanks again for your valuable opinions馃憤馃憤

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  On 7/23/2023 at 8:20 AM, ismy said:

Thanks @matroska @iRage

yes my 1st preference is GP4

2012 / 2014

2nd Owner

102000kmmm 5.5 million well maintained good car

I dono, is it worth for this price, but i don't have time go on a car hunt, decided to go for it. Really its a fun to drive compare to Vitz and Passo 

Thanks again for your valuable opinions馃憤馃憤


At the end of the day you have to drive what you like so - good choice I say. You know here in these forums we just love to hear about cars and see pics so a post about the GP4 would be really nice 馃槈 looking forward to seeing at least a few pics and a write up. 

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  On 7/23/2023 at 8:20 AM, ismy said:

Thanks @matroska @iRage

yes my 1st preference is GP4

2012 / 2014

2nd Owner

102000kmmm 5.5 million well maintained good car

I dono, is it worth for this price, but i don't have time go on a car hunt, decided to go for it. Really its a fun to drive compare to Vitz and Passo 

Thanks again for your valuable opinions馃憤馃憤


Nice ! Please take it to a place like car checks or the agent and get a complete inspection done (I hope you have).


Looking forward to seeing pics :)

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