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Toyota belta Hill climb issue

Madushan dinusha


My Toyota Belta 2008 (1000CC KSP90) was working properly until a battery issue occurs. My pervious battery was 4-5 years old (19% health), and it started to vibrate the engine with knocking sound when the AC on, also very hard to go up hills when the car starting from idle, literally it wouldn't move at all, RPM is around 1000 and car is not moving when fully accelerating (before battery issue it climbed hills with no issues) . After 2-3 days I bought a new battery hopping the issue will disappear but still it persists 

Issues :

  • car is not moving in the hills when starting from middle of the hill, RMP is not going more than 1000-1300 when starting from 0 KMPH with or without AC. (no acceleration issues, if the car is moving around 5-10kmph then RPM is going more than 2000-3000). 
  • Engine vibrates with knock sound at idle (RMP is around 600) when D or R gear engaged and AC is ON. When the AC is off, knocking sound disappear, back to normal when N or P with or without AC

Tried :

  • New throttle body 
  • New alternator 
  • Tune Up
  • Idle Reset
  • Scanned for faults (no faults)


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@iRage When car is in idle at N or P with or without AC RPM is around 900-1000 and when at D or R RPM is around 500-600 with knocking sound and unusual vibration. sometimes RPM is goes up to 700-900 then knocking sound disappear gradually. 

When the load is high (i.e starting moving in a hill after full stop) engine rev with knock sound (2 to 3 knocks and disappear)  

Fuel feed is not checked. note that fuel pump is cleaned around 10 months ago

Edited by Madushan dinusha
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