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Please Help..!



Hey guys, since very recently I realised my car is iddling pretty bad and I could hear missing beats when flooring with the gear shifted to "Neutral" (was much better before), check engine light flashes when I insert the key and accelerates pretty bad when climbing a hill. I'm nearing my next full service but the air filter isn't too bad. Please help with this problem.

In the meantime I'm thinking of getting the car scanned so, please recommend me a place (other than "M_g C_ty") around Kandy who does a decent job.

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Hey guys, since very recently I realised my car is iddling pretty bad and I could hear missing beats when flooring with the gear shifted to "Neutral" (was much better before), check engine light flashes when I insert the key and accelerates pretty bad when climbing a hill. I'm nearing my next full service but the air filter isn't too bad. Please help with this problem.

In the meantime I'm thinking of getting the car scanned so, please recommend me a place (other than "M_g C_ty") around Kandy who does a decent job.

Sounds like spark plugs

Whens the last time you changed the spark plugs?

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Sounds like spark plugs

Whens the last time you changed the spark plugs?

I bought this about 2 months back from a car salesman. Got to speak to the salesman he must be having previous owner's contact details. I did not change them since I bought it. Anyway I'll get a mech to inspect the plugs.

Edited by abcjayasinghe
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Take the car to a competent mechanic first. Don't take it to a place like MagCity. They will eliminate the obvious and cheaper problems first before moving onto to the more complicated issues.

It could just be a leaking plug wire or a faulty spark plug.

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Assume you are referring to the Vitz in your profile pic. Now there are a few things that you must either know or do when you buy a car. You must ask the previous owner when engine oil/filter, and ATF was changed last. Better if you can ask when the plugs/air filter/cabin filter were changed, when a tune up was done and the AC was serviced. These are the most basic things one should know. If you fail to do that then change at least the first two as soon as you buy the car. Did n't you get any previous ECO reports at least? However, I think it is time you do a tune up but still better if you can get some idea of the previous service record for your reference.

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Guys, been to Priyantha auto electricals today. They did an engine tune up. Scan didn't yield any error codes. Spark plugs good. Didn't notice any problem on the way back home, so far so good! Hopefully they did a good job!

his tune-ups arnt so bad. (not the best) but better than some idiots who have just wasted my money in kandy.

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