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Modify Or Upgrade From A Honda Fit!




I currently drive a GE6 Honda Fit, which I love to bits but lately feel is lacking a bit of oomph. Plus thanks to its hybrid variant has become quite a common sight on Sri Lankan roadways.

I've got some money available & am wondering whether it would be wiser to try & mod my current car OR upgrade to something a bit more capable. My budget could get me a second-hand Honda FD1 or a Lancer Ex.

I've read extensively that even the L15A(1.5l) engine which comes in the RS version has its limitations with performance upgrades. Mines the L13A(1.3l) version. Hence the feeling that money spent on a bigger setup would be better than upgrading an already smaller engine.

In your opinion what would be the better bet.


Edited by NeroX
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Performance over cosmetics! Engine mods, Suspension tuning, Struts bars etc.

The stock FIT as it is, has some body roll when taking corners. Also at higher speeds it doesn't feel as planted due to it being so lightweight. Wanted to go with strut bars but no idea which ones would make the most sense. Front struts, Rear anti-roll bar or the whole setup?

Also in tight spots always feel the engine needs a little oomph. Dunno with what mods to start with. Cat back, Cold air intake, exhaust manifold etc. Also somewhere I read whatever engine mods being done the ECU just remaps everything for better fuel consumption.

Would appreciate if you could recommend some good ppl to get these looked at. Also from your experience which mods would be best to start with, giving you more bang-for-buck?

OR as clarkson said is it better to just go for a Lancer Ex & try modding it later. Even though it shares the same chassis with the Evo that also has an underpowered 1.5l engine right?

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is this the hybrid version or the petrol version? either way, there's a lot of things you can do with it. but do understand that all this will lower the value of your car.

its a whole new can of worms that you're about to open up. an unending rabbit hole, rather. so firstly have some clear cut budget limits and goals in mind before you start. here are a few things off the top of my head:

1. handling: you can improve with adding a few simple strut bars. start with the front tower strut. if you need more cornering stability go for a rear tower strut (wiill take up a little space for the boot) and a rear lower member brace. anything more and i feel car might be too rigid for daily use. i do believe ultra racing has the entire range for your car. PM me for details on the sellers, because i can't "advertise" per se on the forum, and considering how every word i say is scrutinised meticulously these days, i'd rather avoid the rabies.

2. suspension: nothing like a lowered car, mate. contrary to popular belief, you an easily run a lowered car in sri lanka without having adverse effects. i've been running mine a few inches off the ground for near 2 years now with no issue. you have to always be mindful when going on rough roads. that's it. a set of coilovers with adjustable dampening (very important) and adjustable ride height will do the job. mnid you coilover struts are much stiffer than stock shocks, even on their softest setting, but to me that loss of comfort is a little price to pay for the handling and the looks. my wife is not so convinced. so yeah, that's a tough choice you have to make. again, PM me for details on where to get. i recommend GAB over D2 from personal experience. you can't just put coilovers and stop there. you will need adjustable camber kits for front and rear, and adjustable toe kits for the rear suspension arms. without these your car will chew threw tyres.

3. engine: my god i don' even know where to start. from something as simple as improving how she breathes, ignites, farts and thinks, to a complete k20a (FD2 civic Type R engine) conversion. if you're on a budget, then k20a is out. because that would mean you need engine, manual gearbox, driveshafts, starter motor, clutch, flywheel etc and a manual ecu with a tune (possibly an aftermarket ecu add on as well). there alone i think we have gone beyond the money needed to upgrade to an EX. smaller things of course are to go for a less restricted intake (stick to the K&N drop in replacement, don't go for a 2.50 cone it will ruin your engine) better spark plugs, better ignition (like an MSD kit) a good ECU which can be tuned (this will allow you to adjust for later add ons as well) and a good performance exhaust. like a tanabe medallion, apexi, fujitsubo etc, and not a straight through fart cannon. performance exhausts are quiet in low revs and loud when they have to be. and they are proper mufflers, unlike what most hondaboys slap on their cars.

understand this tho. a project car is a serious commitment. once you start doing these sorta things, you really need to let go of the "i can sell this anytime" mentality, because you cant! your expenditure should be closely monitored, because its easy for things to spiral out of control, and you should ideally have another car as a backup for an year or two until all this falls into place. once its running smooth after all the work, you can enjoy the fruits of your labour. and also, depending on how much work you throw into it, it gets a unique identity as "your car" no matter where you go or how many owners it has afterwards. well made and maintained projects have their own market, and sometimes you may even recover what you spent somewhat if the car has a good enough hype.

hope this helps. i don't think there are any fit k20's in the country. with the power to weight of that you should have a proper pocket rocket. and we'd have to upgrade your brakes too. just google "k20a fit ge6" its utter porn. if i were you... ;)

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Wow Komi! That's one great write-up. You just made me wanna keep my FIT :) This being my first car it shares a lot of good memories. You just showed me how to keep it interesting & unique.That k20 conversion just gave me goosebumps. If that's possible then definitely I have something to look fwd to. As you said maybe my budget wouldn't permit a swap right now. But definitely something I'd consider in the future.

Keeping that in mind maybe I could start with the strut setup & coil over kits. Those things would be valid for the future swap as well I guess. I'm currently running my tyres stock size(14") so maybe that needs changing too.

Also in terms of the engine guess id go with the minor tweaks you mentioned for now. I'll PM you for the contacts. Thanks man!!

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Economically, it would make sense to upgrade to either the civic or the lancer. But there's a certain charm to an unassuming underdog modded the right way. Komi has listed a long (but not complete when you get into it) list of things you can do. It will be daunting if done at once but you can do it as a rolling project in phases. And maybe a little while down the line you may have enough money lying around for that motor swap :)

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Economically, it would make sense to upgrade to either the civic or the lancer. But there's a certain charm to an unassuming underdog modded the right way. Komi has listed a long (but not complete when you get into it) list of things you can do. It will be daunting if done at once but you can do it as a rolling project in phases. And maybe a little while down the line you may have enough money lying around for that motor swap :)

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