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Got Copped For Tinted Windows



Hi guys

my car has the lightest tint available and its been almost a year since i got it done. The traffic cops stopped me yesterday afternoon and asked me whether i have a permit for the tint, when i replied no he said that no tint whatsoever is allowed. I gently argued with him saying i have the lightest tint and some vehilcles have much darker ones. Anyway he said nothing doing and i too didnt want to get into an argument and handed over the licence and eventually got a ticket (no fine involved but i have to remove the front window tints and show to him in 14 days)

I know that tints were an issue from those days and i was under the impression that light ones are allowed.

I read through porkster's car pic thread and there was a lot of dicsussion about the 3M tint as well.

Has anyone else got copped for tints recently? Either they should announce through a press release properly about the limits of tints or ban the shops from selling them..these guys impose rules overnight and changing them constantly. Anyway we live in paradise isle so i guess this is what we should get used to..



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wtf? they copped ya for having tints? light tints in the front are permitted but darker ones will get ya copped.. luckily for me.. i ride with my shutters down but hell this countryz gettin to be more n more irritating day by day...

may i ask.. what time of the day did they catch you?


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Same here- but as mentioned, only the front tints have to be removed.

Got copped on Galle Rd near Mt.Lav. on my way into work- very courteous cop...

Unfortunately, getting your license back isn't as efficient as getting the bloody ticket. Depending on the station, the OIC traffic may inspect the car before you get your license back. I was unlucky in that the several times i went, he wasn't there. To make it more frustrating, when he was there, he didn't bother to look at the car and just signed off. No one inspected the car eventually- they just gave me my license back. Banana Republic.

Edited by gunat
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wtf? they copped ya for having tints? light tints in the front are permitted but darker ones will get ya copped.. luckily for me.. i ride with my shutters down but hell this countryz gettin to be more n more irritating day by day...

may i ask.. what time of the day did they catch you?


Machang it was 2.30 in the afternoon,bright sunsunshine as well..i would understand if it had been in the nights, hmmm have to pull a few strings with some cop friends i know to get the lincense back , banana republic it is.... :P

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one day ma brother got caught by cops for tint. anyhow he talked to da cop and came into "shapement" :P

thing is, rule is there for ages i guess its not new anymore, u cann't tint front glasses, some cops not noticing the light tint thats y they don't stop. also some don't care... 'till u gud on road!!!

lets say once cop stopped u, they try to find every possible things to catch u ... cops r cops, very selfish people... there r few gud cops too... but very few ....

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frankly.. the establishments involved in tinting the vehicle should provide clear info relating to the legality of the tint.. in my case i no crap bout the law lolz.. so asked the kleenpark dudes and they said it was perfectly fine.. hell no.. aint gonna do no removin as it costs 8k..

in the front in the sense the front shutters? or the the 1/5th tint on the front windscreen? but i still say.. shutters down and some fresh air would make things more easier as they cant see it...


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frankly.. the establishments involved in tinting the vehicle should provide clear info relating to the legality of the tint.. in my case i no crap bout the law lolz.. so asked the kleenpark dudes and they said it was perfectly fine.. hell no.. aint gonna do no removin as it costs 8k..

in the front in the sense the front shutters? or the the 1/5th tint on the front windscreen? but i still say.. shutters down and some fresh air would make things more easier as they cant see it...


i agree, but i got mine done by the odd joint fellows.Cops say both front shutters bro, when i was pulled over there was another bugger was ripping the tint off his shutters in front of the cops saying this is much easier than going to collect the license..i had no heart to do it to my car ;)

Yep next time must remeber to put the shutters down when i smell cops... :P

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@ hola - light reading? what the hell do ya mean? i ve never heard o it lol..

why is that laws suddenly go extinct and suddenly are enforced? i dnt understand this part.. i mean.. why did they allow tinting earlier and keep shut and all of a sudden enforce it? good thing they aint fining else dose buggerz would ve earned loadz! All the cars are tinted in the front dese dayz..


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Hola's referring to the Index reading for darkness of a Tint...ie. 25%, 60%, etc...although i doubt our officials have the equipment to actually measure this, it is standard fare in most US states/Euro countries...

I remember back in the day when the customs would refuse to release a vehicle from the ports if it had (rear) factory tints- which was part of the glass and not an add on...some pockets got filled to get those vehicles out!

As most have said, the law was always there, but was relaxed during peacetime (if we can call it that). Now, given the current state of affairs, its come back for the sake of security. Given that our army checkpoints and security checkpoints cannot issue citations for cars with tinted windows, the task is left to the traffic police...

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the light "index" or the amount of light allowed in should be the definitive way to state what's allowed and what's not as some OEMs have built in tints as well as UV protection in some models (ie merc). From what I remember, the index was in the law books (unless they've changed) back in the 90s. It would be great if someone can look into this. You'd think that the tinting shops would look into this and make the info available to their clients.

I once got stopped in 96-97 in fron of Galleface and the cop said the tint had to go, I asked him to meter my tint and tell me why. The cop went and talked to his superior on the other side of the Rd and came back and said they didnt have the meter with them and let me go. The meter is a simple light meter...u measure the light outside the car and then inside the car (right against the glass) and compare the diff. Most proff. photographers have these meters..

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@ hola - light reading? what the hell do ya mean? i ve never heard o it lol..

why is that laws suddenly go extinct and suddenly are enforced? i dnt understand this part.. i mean.. why did they allow tinting earlier and keep shut and all of a sudden enforce it? good thing they aint fining else dose buggerz would ve earned loadz! All the cars are tinted in the front dese dayz..


There are light readers, dunno if our cops has it

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Well the Country is under a state of emergency so I guess anything goes with the Cops. Personally I think in a country like ours the persons in the car need be identifiable- regardless of how hot or sunny it is. The bottom line is everyone knows that full tints are not allowed- so if you get caught it’s your fault. I too have got copped twice for ‘marginal’ tints lol

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I did ask the cops when they stopped me abou the light meter, he said those are not needed, the law is no tints whatsoever allowed unless a special permit is given.hmm........

cops, they have there own laws at sometimes!!! wat i know is u can't tint front glasses, i don't know abt the special permit ... may be thats for parliament people :P

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there is a permit that you can get for tints. you have to have a valid reason. my friends mom has some skin allergies and she was able to get the permit for tints

Any idea where we have to apply to receive this "special permit"..Cop Station or Defence Ministry??

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Just thought about bringing this topic back up..

Are there any other 3M Tinting place within Colombo other than Kleenpark.. those buggers refused to budge on certain portions of the tint which have got removed saying it aint covered by the warranty.. hell even one of them was removed right after i took the car after tinting .. sigh.. i d rather take my business elsewhere...

does the Borella 3M joint do a good job in tinting (3m only)? any recommendations?

Basically just need to remove the tints from 2 shutters and apply a new coat for them including a small stripe for the front windscreen..


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