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Digi Cams

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Hey guys,

Which one of these is better for a STARTER. I didn't choose a very basic one but which had the highest megapix and whithin ma budget.

Prices are the same. One major difference is Lumix has 8X optical zoom. Ripper?? Any opinions other than these too are also welcome.




Edited by fatjoe
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  fatjoe said:
Hey guys,

Which one of these is better for a STARTER. I didn't choose a very basic one but which had the highest megapix and whithin ma budget.

Prices are the same. One major difference is Lumix has 8X optical zoom. Ripper?? Any opinions other than these too are also welcome.




Sorry to disappoint but neither.

IMHO: If its a basic P & S digital camera you want then you're better off getting something along the likes of a Canon Powershot A3100. If you want something sleeker then it'll be something like the Canon Powershot SD1400 IS that you should be looking at.

Hope you find something that fits your needs. :)

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  fatjoe said:
Hey guys,

Which one of these is better for a STARTER. I didn't choose a very basic one but which had the highest megapix and whithin ma budget.

Prices are the same. One major difference is Lumix has 8X optical zoom. Ripper?? Any opinions other than these too are also welcome.




Sorry to disappoint but neither.

IMHO: If its a basic P & S digital camera you want then you're better off getting something along the likes of a Canon Powershot A3100. If you want something sleeker then it'll be something like the Canon Powershot SD1400 IS that you should be looking at.

Hope you find something that fits your needs. :)

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Hey Kavvz,

Thanks for the response. So u mean the two models that I have chosen is too advance for beginner rite? Would U be able to give a lil comparison and lil more details abt these 4 models? I appreciate it bro.

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  fatjoe said:
Hey Kavvz,

Thanks for the response. So u mean the two models that I have chosen is too advance for beginner rite? Would U be able to give a lil comparison and lil more details abt these 4 models? I appreciate it bro.

Actually no not really. I believe the two you've listed don't really compare well when considered with the entry level Canon or Nikon models on offer. The two you've listed seem to be specialized towards different tasks. The Sony towards movie clips and the other towards optical zoom. That's great if those are your primary needs and depending on what feature you think you'll be using the most you could make a choice between the two; but if you just want a general P & S I'd look elsewhere.

And I wouldn't worry about getting the camera with the most megapixels (as long as you have something above 4 or 5 you should be fine), your decision should be more about the camera as a whole and what you plan on doing with it.

I prefer the Canon's overall as I believe their product has a better sensor (especially at the lower end of the market which you're considering) and that they offer the best value for money.

Give this article a read, it'll probably help you choose something that is inline with your needs. When it comes to cameras you generally get what you pay for and at the end of the day overall image quality is what cuts the mustard. Image sensor quality, ISO sensitivity, image stabilization, optical zoom and megapixels all contribute towards overall image quality and the best mix is generally served up by the market leaders Canon and Nikon.

But don't take my work for it; ask around, read as many reviews as you can and consider carefully what you'll be using the camera for before making your purchase.

Edited by Kavvz
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Don't bother with the highest megapixel count, its just marketing.

But if you want something that can have some fun, and can spend $350 like you have indicated, look at the waterproof ones. Look for things like the Canon D10, or if you want that flexible zoom range instead check out the Canon Powershot SX200IS or SX110IS.

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  Kavvz said:
Actually no not really. I believe the two you've listed don't really compare well when considered with the entry level Canon or Nikon models on offer. The two you've listed seem to be specialized towards different tasks. The Sony towards movie clips and the other towards optical zoom. That's great if those are your primary needs and depending on what feature you think you'll be using the most you could make a choice between the two; but if you just want a general P & S I'd look elsewhere.

And I wouldn't worry about getting the camera with the most megapixels (as long as you have something above 4 or 5 you should be fine), your decision should be more about the camera as a whole and what you plan on doing with it.

I prefer the Canon's overall as I believe their product has a better sensor (especially at the lower end of the market which you're considering) and that they offer the best value for money.

Give this article a read, it'll probably help you choose something that is inline with your needs. When it comes to cameras you generally get what you pay for and at the end of the day overall image quality is what cuts the mustard. Image sensor quality, ISO sensitivity, image stabilization, optical zoom and megapixels all contribute towards overall image quality and the best mix is generally served up by the market leaders Canon and Nikon.

But don't take my work for it; ask around, read as many reviews as you can and consider carefully what you'll be using the camera for before making your purchase.


That's quite a bit of information bro. Appologies if I mislead U guys with the word "STARTER". Actually what i'm looking for is a multi purpose(Still and Video) Cam. To use it for day today lyfe. May be for trip or an outing. Not exactly for professional level.


I'm bit tite financially since ma vehicle is in da garage going through full restoration process. So $350 bit out of the range. Both models that I have mentioned are abt $199. I wud have pushed this lil back but a frnd of mine is coming down from States so tot of asking him to bring a cam 4 me.

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  fatjoe said:

I'm bit tite financially since ma vehicle is in da garage going through full restoration process. So $350 bit out of the range. Both models that I have mentioned are abt $199. I wud have pushed this lil back but a frnd of mine is coming down from States so tot of asking him to bring a cam 4 me.

For $199 you can get the Canon SX110 IS. If you want to know my opinion on the cam ... well its on MY wishlist at Amazon.

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  Pericles said:
For $199 you can get the Canon SX110 IS. If you want to know my opinion on the cam ... well its on MY wishlist at Amazon.

Seconded. Its a great camera and a good place to start. Only drawback is that its too bulky to take out partying/clubbing but perfect for everything else. (If you want something that you can stick in your jeans then its the Canon Powershot SD1400 IS or something similar that you should be considering)

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  Kavvz said:
Seconded. Its a great camera and a good place to start. Only drawback is that its too bulky to take out partying/clubbing but perfect for everything else. (If you want something that you can stick in your jeans then its the Canon Powershot SD1400 IS or something similar that you should be considering)

Kavvz, Peri, Machang checked these models in da net and seems great. But at cannon site it was abt $260 or something. Din check ebay. I think I should take your suggestions in to consideration. Thanks a alot.

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  fatjoe said:
Kavvz, Peri, Machang checked these models in da net and seems great. But at cannon site it was abt $260 or something. Din check ebay. I think I should take your suggestions in to consideration. Thanks a alot.

Canon site is always more expensive. Even SLRs are like that. Amazon has the SX110 for $199.

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  fatjoe said:
Hey guys,

Which one of these is better for a STARTER. I didn't choose a very basic one but which had the highest megapix and whithin ma budget.

Prices are the same. One major difference is Lumix has 8X optical zoom. Ripper?? Any opinions other than these too are also welcome.




sorry mate. didn't see the topic properly earlier!

sadly and i don't mean to sound snobbish but i don't know a lot about p&s cameras.

I've used only three... first was my brother's cybershot!

an excellent camera for a starter that's quite easy to use and packed with features. mind you i was an absolute amateur at the time and i just loved it.

Then my better half bought me a Samsung L600.

Not as fancy as the cybershot but a very VERY hardy camera. I once drove all the way to colombo from wattala in heavy rain with this thing on the car nead the windshield wipers. kept it parked in viharamahadevi park in blazing sun for over 2 hrs as wifey was shopping for plants. Drove back to wattala and only then i saw the bloody thing :)

despite all odds it worked :) and worked perfectly even after that. It finally died when i dropped it into the sea after returning from a fishing trip...

that too the memory card wasn't harmed so i got the pics :)

My office use a canon powershot for our day to day snapping stuff. don't recall the model but it's quite a nifty p&s with some level of manual control.

this too has been quite hardy with have use and abuse and seem to be working and producing decent results.

after all said and done...after using a DSLR... IMHO... that's the way to go if you're serious about photography.

when i went for my 50d... people thought i was crazy :)

firstly i have never EVER used dslr or a manual camera for that matter. i didn't have the money or even clearance from the home ministry :)

Finally got it through a personal loan thingy and a good Samaritan from AL carried the whole thing from the US for me so i saved significant amount of money :)

as you might notice from my flickr stream...i'm absolutely loving it!

best 200k i've ever spent to date :)

btw...i too bought through amazon. the cheapest deals i could find was there.

The local used camera market is another one to consider since these things depreciate fast so you might get a good deal.

just make sure it's been used properly and in good shape.

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  VVTi said:
I will not dispute a word Ripper said. He knows what he is talking about. Get a DSLR... the sound and feel of the shutter itself is worth the money... :)

Not that I'm disagreeing, but the key words there are "if you are serious about photography". Sometimes its just not worth the bother of lugging around a huge and heavy DSLR. Or you just wanna keep a low profile, not be conspicuous. Like when going to a party or club or summin. Which is why I was interested in getting that SX110 myself. Tho a good phone camera would also cover those situs.

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  Pericles said:
Not that I'm disagreeing, but the key words there are "if you are serious about photography". Sometimes its just not worth the bother of lugging around a huge and heavy DSLR. Or you just wanna keep a low profile, not be conspicuous. Like when going to a party or club or summin. Which is why I was interested in getting that SX110 myself. Tho a good phone camera would also cover those situs.

True. But the natural step up from a P&S will be a DSLR like Ripper did. I would love to get myself DSLR one of these days, but then my photo catching skills cannot justify such a large capital outlay.. :) Happy with the IS5... which hardly gets used anyway.... :)

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  Pericles said:
Or you just wanna keep a low profile, not be conspicuous. Like when going to a party or club or summin. Which is why I was interested in getting that SX110 myself. Tho a good phone camera would also cover those situs.

aiyo dirty bugger Pericles! you wanna take pics on the sly eh :P:D

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Try this.. It's really cools. I just got the cam, its the best i ever had. Its worth for 36k with 10x. I got it from MC shop call pyramid or something smiler. just check it out. But they'll said it's 50k but just ask it for 36k. That's the real price. I've got it for 36k. But the same time they've already billed in the cam fro 50k. Anwy, believe me. its dame good camera.

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  Ripper said:
aiyo dirty bugger Pericles! you wanna take pics on the sly eh :P:D

:lol::P No no, just to take candids of the group. Trust me, you can look like a total dork in a club with a SLR. Unless you are a pro covering an event.

Tho for pics on the sly, a 7D and an 85 f1.2 would be most interesting... :D No need for a flash advertising the fact you are taking pics :lol:

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  Pericles said:
I agree. Hence the need for a tiny camera that can be handled with one hand and stored in a pocket.

But why do you need a camera at a club in the first place? You go there to relax and have some fun... one cannot be worried about the camera in your pocket. Leave the photocatching to the dork with the camera... :)

I go with no phone, no wallet. Just the cash I will need and the ID.. ;).. and the house keys.

I strictly do not drive on a night out.

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  VVTi said:
But why do you need a camera at a club in the first place? You go there to relax and have some fun... one cannot be worried about the camera in your pocket. Leave the photocatching to the dork with the camera... :)

I go with no phone, no wallet. Just the cash I will need and the ID.. ;).. and the house keys.

I strictly do not drive on a night out.

same here but i take the phone just in case i need to call in support if i get into trouble :P like not remembering who i am :)

i too wont even think of carrying a cam to a club or even a pub... keeping a tab on how many drinks you downed is tough enough! :lol:

anyways...we've gone really really OT here... :P

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