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Need Help - Lancer


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this is my 1st post..,

My car is Lancer CK2 1996 model, last Saturday i took it to the emission test and failed(high CO level at high RPM) :( :( . then i check the Carb and mechanic who check it told me to replace the Needle and Jet.

anyone has idea about the price and availability of those parts..? because i checked Unit#d Mot#rs and they havnt

is it ok to buy a 2nd hand Carb? what will be the price?

what should i check b4 buying a 2nd hand carb?

please give me your valuable advices.. because i'm in deep trouble


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  CK2 said:

this is my 1st post..,

My car is Lancer CK2 1996 model, last Saturday i took it to the emission test and failed(high CO level at high RPM) :( :( . then i check the Carb and mechanic who check it told me to replace the Needle and Jet.

anyone has idea about the price and availability of those parts..? because i checked Unit#d Mot#rs and they havnt

is it ok to buy a 2nd hand Carb? what will be the price?

what should i check b4 buying a 2nd hand carb?

please give me your valuable advices.. because i'm in deep trouble


you should be able to buy the entire repair kit including needles and jets either from agents or from panchikawatta, your mechanic might know a place exactly. Not sure on second hand prices, that too again can be found from 'watta' near the canal between panchikawatta and 'bmc watta'. However try to repair if possible coz you never know the condition of the used carb until you fix and run

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  harshansenadhir said:
you should be able to buy the entire repair kit including needles and jets either from agents or from panchikawatta, your mechanic might know a place exactly. Not sure on second hand prices, that too again can be found from 'watta' near the canal between panchikawatta and 'bmc watta'. However try to repair if possible coz you never know the condition of the used carb until you fix and run

hi thanks for the reply...

rapair kit does not includes Needle and Jets.., thats y i thought to buy a 2nd hand carb...

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  CK2 said:
hi thanks for the reply...

rapair kit does not includes Needle and Jets.., thats y i thought to buy a 2nd hand carb...

thats the packing kit isn't it? The complete repair kit should carry all. However if you can't find the original repair kit or original jets, needles better replace the carb. However give another try to take it to a carb specialist. Search this forum to find out directions/whereabouts of carburator banda's garage.

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  harshansenadhir said:
thats the packing kit isn't it? The complete repair kit should carry all. However if you can't find the original repair kit or original jets, needles better replace the carb. However give another try to take it to a carb specialist. Search this forum to find out directions/whereabouts of carburator banda's garage.

I found needl and jets from panchikawaththa... i thought to try replacing the needl and jets first of all and then go for carb replacement..

anyway thanks for valuable advices from you...

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Hi Ck2,

Machang, I have been through the same procedure 4 years back. Let me tell the story machang, I had a CK2 2000 model. Due to its previous owners crazy driving the carb had the same story as of yours. Mind you my mechanic told me the same thing.

Eventually bought a brand new carb the last of the lost UM had for 97000.

Before buying it from UM did some shopping in panchika watta. They have carbs from 15-25 ....

My mechanic did not like the idea of putting a recon one.

call this number Kapila - 0777193397 he is my mechanic hell be able to help you out with the carb matter.

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  Pethum85 said:
Hi Ck2,

Machang, I have been through the same procedure 4 years back. Let me tell the story machang, I had a CK2 2000 model. Due to its previous owners crazy driving the carb had the same story as of yours. Mind you my mechanic told me the same thing.

Eventually bought a brand new carb the last of the lost UM had for 97000.

Before buying it from UM did some shopping in panchika watta. They have carbs from 15-25 ....

My mechanic did not like the idea of putting a recon one.

call this number Kapila - 0777193397 he is my mechanic hell be able to help you out with the carb matter.

tend to disagree with you here mate, you don't need a good mechanic to replace a faulty carb with a brand new one. Agree with the path Ck2 had chosen, trying to sort that out with 1400/= and two three days of wandering around and some labour vs 97,000/= even if that low cost attempt fails still worth trying to save 97,000 if not 18,000.

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u guys very helpfull... appreciate it....

at the moment i'm planning to go cheapest solution... also i got directions to Banda's place,

i'll go there asap and hope it'l work bcos no way to spend 97k for the car anyhow..

:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

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  Pethum85 said:
Hi Ck2,

Machang, I have been through the same procedure 4 years back. Let me tell the story machang, I had a CK2 2000 model. Due to its previous owners crazy driving the carb had the same story as of yours. Mind you my mechanic told me the same thing.

Eventually bought a brand new carb the last of the lost UM had for 97000.

Before buying it from UM did some shopping in panchika watta. They have carbs from 15-25 ....

My mechanic did not like the idea of putting a recon one.

call this number Kapila - 0777193397 he is my mechanic hell be able to help you out with the carb matter.

thanks for the info....

do you think is it worth to buying a gud carb for 18k..?

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  Pethum85 said:
Hi Ck2,

Machang, I have been through the same procedure 4 years back. Let me tell the story machang, I had a CK2 2000 model. Due to its previous owners crazy driving the carb had the same story as of yours. Mind you my mechanic told me the same thing.

Eventually bought a brand new carb the last of the lost UM had for 97000.

Before buying it from UM did some shopping in panchika watta. They have carbs from 15-25 ....

My mechanic did not like the idea of putting a recon one.

call this number Kapila - 0777193397 he is my mechanic hell be able to help you out with the carb matter.

no no no...this is not good advice at all.There are atleast four or five alternate routes to consider before buying brand new from UMLL.The issue maybe solved but the price is far too great at 97k.You need to change your mechanic.

@CK2...listen to Harshan.

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Hey guys,

You'll have got me wrong.. I never wanted CK2 to go for a carb for a bloddy 97k. In my case we had the luxury of getting it claimed under the maintenance allowance.

I wanted you to call Kapila and ask him for a place to get a good carb as thats all i can do. When we were looking for a carb he showed signs of knowing what he is doing and had some contacts.

No need to change the mechanic nor buy it from UML. i think 18 is a good price for a recon carb but machang its not easy as we think cos i saw it from my own eyes what condition those were in.

Mates, Sorry for the mis communication. Good luck CK2.

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  Pethum85 said:
Hey guys,

You'll have got me wrong.. I never wanted CK2 to go for a carb for a bloddy 97k. In my case we had the luxury of getting it claimed under the maintenance allowance.

I wanted you to call Kapila and ask him for a place to get a good carb as thats all i can do. When we were looking for a carb he showed signs of knowing what he is doing and had some contacts.

No need to change the mechanic nor buy it from UML. i think 18 is a good price for a recon carb but machang its not easy as we think cos i saw it from my own eyes what condition those were in.

Mates, Sorry for the mis communication. Good luck CK2.

thanks macha....

sad story is.... my first attempt failed.. (needls and jets) :sad-smiley-047::wacko::blink: , because needls i found for 1400/=, does not match with my carb( those are another lancer model ) :action-smiley-060: :action-smiley-060:

saddest story is they told me that I cannot replace the needls and jets of my carb, because it is a sealed type carb :unsure: :unsure:

then i decided to go 2nd option... Go to Banda's place or Replacing the carb (recon carb)


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Hey CK2,

Yep bro try out Banda (guess its his son Shantha who is carrying on the business now) he'd be able to get it sorted for you most probably.

Good luck mate, cheers !

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  EVO_Croozer said:
Hey CK2,

Yep bro try out Banda (guess its his son Shantha who is carrying on the business now) he'd be able to get it sorted for you most probably.

Good luck mate, cheers !


I agree with the above post Carburator Banda did wonder full jobs for carburetor reconditioning during 1960 to 1980s as there were no imports of spares.

He was presented honorary title as Carburetor Banda because of the great service he did for the motorists during that era.

Like late Fan Bass who fixed extra blade to good old day car engine for better cooling.

I know Carburetor Banda's son too followed his fathers foot steps and keeping his fathers name for Carburetors.


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  CK2 said:
u guys very helpfull... appreciate it....

at the moment i'm planning to go cheapest solution... also i got directions to Banda's place,

i'll go there asap and hope it'l work bcos no way to spend 97k for the car anyhow..

:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

though i dont recommend it, the cheapest solution would have been giving 500/= to the guy at emi test :angry-smiley-048:

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  E L N I N O said:
though i dont recommend it, the cheapest solution would have been giving 500/= to the guy at emi test :angry-smiley-048:

:jumping-smiley-013: :jumping-smiley-013: :jumping-smiley-013: :jumping-smiley-013: :jumping-smiley-013:

hey how did u tell that... bcos i just did it... just only 300/= :action-smiley-035: :action-smiley-035:

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