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Project Moggie - Mechanical Work



All mechanical work on the project Moggie will discuss here. This was the differential original status.

Differential original status14.thumb.jpg.0c918a9958a5e1a83b1516bba25f35ba.jpg

Cleaned & painted differential 

13.thumb.jpg.913c710819c6a23f6cdd85a3cbf00cb7.jpgCleaned & Painted Differential

Back brake liners were wet with leaked differential oil because of weak oil seals. Found matching oil seal from local market and hope it will fix the leaking.


Cleaned & painted brake shoes with newly applied liners.


Cleaned and painted leaf springs


Present status



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Update :

Brake system rebuilt with a master pump repair kit, wheel cylinder rubbers (washers) and new brake liners. All pipes cleaned, flushed and filled with new oil. Here are some images.

Master pumpBefore cleaning componentsRepair kit componentsBrake PipesIMG_20190623_132957.thumb.jpg.6d8f97da1700f896779c438461ab6372.jpg

Edited by kusumsiri
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27 minutes ago, Twin Turbo said:

Good show, but why didn't you consider a duel master cylinder with  a fr-disc conversion,..

Hopes to keep its original condition. The pedal is stopping its half way. Hope it will function well. But no way to check the real situation. Also I am OK with pumping the brakes as I learned driving such way by a Austin lorry. ?

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On 8/13/2019 at 8:27 PM, kusumsiri said:

Hopes to keep its original condition. The pedal is stopping its half way. Hope it will function well. But no way to check the real situation. Also I am OK with pumping the brakes as I learned driving such way by a Austin lorry. ?

Ah the good old days with pumping the brake pedal. I learnt to drive the same way too. When I first got to drive a car with servo assisted brakes, I applied the same force on the brake pedal and thought the brakes were binding because all four wheels would lock up. :D

I assume you wouldn't be driving the car on a daily basis nor will you be doing frequent long trips, so as long as you are vigilant and have experience driving with this sort of brakes, you should be alright. 

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36 minutes ago, Davy said:

Ah the good old days with pumping the brake pedal. I learnt to drive the same way too. When I first got to drive a car with servo assisted brakes, I applied the same force on the brake pedal and thought the brakes were binding because all four wheels would lock up. :D

I assume you wouldn't be driving the car on a daily basis nor will you be doing frequent long trips, so as long as you are vigilant and have experience driving with this sort of brakes, you should be alright. 

I too did a similar thing. It was a Kesbawa depot learning school Leyland bus. The bus completely stopped middle of the road with my first pumping. :D

Thinking to use the car for daily school drops & picks. Its around 20km per day and will be 2-3 long trips per year. So lets see how things are going.

Edited by kusumsiri
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Update : Repairing the gearbox

The second gear popped out several times while carrying  the car to home. Also 1st gear had a bad noise. So decided to open the box and check. This is my first experience of repairing a gearbox. So went through the workshop manual few times before try it. But it was not that much complex as I thought :).


Above images are the initial status of gearbox. Firstly noticed that there was very low oil amount inside it while manual says its 1.3 liters. The speedometer cable & drive pinion was missing and that could be the reason to fill oil partially.


These pictures shows casing, rare cover, second motion shaft, three shifter shafts & gear selectors.



Replaced the first motion shaft razor RLS 8. All other parts was in good shape. But there was enough dirt inside the box. So cleaned everything and washed with kerosene oil. Finally could not find packing set even from S**ana motors, Panchikawatta. So had to prepare all packing myself.

Edited by kusumsiri
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Well done @kusumsiri. Having a workshop manual sure opens lots of interesting avenues doesn't it. Even if you have it, you need to be brave enough to take a transmission apart and put it back together. So again, kudos! :) 

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