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Mitsubishi A72 1400Sl 5Fwd


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may be i m mad but for my knowledge one of the best cars of all time its a 1973 model and look at the features

1.1437cc SOHC engine

2.five forwerd

3.front disks with servo asisted brakes

4. top speed above 200kmph(if u upgrde it to twin carb)

5.rear wheel drive



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what i aded
1.full bosch high performance ignition system.
2.silicon vacume and fuel lines. http://img215.images...6/p6270087z.jpg
3.open high flow air cleaner with oil cach can.
4.gauges(R.P.M,oil pressure,ampere,water temp,volt,)
5 a/c
6 2win carb
7 205/60-13 tyres
8 alloy wheels
9 two elecrtic fans for emergency cooling
10 modified exhoust
11 kenwood 4 way stereio with 2 8" woofers

what im hoping to add

.power stearing

original racing alloe wheels

4.recaro seats

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i have seen a 2 door lancer some years back maybe in 1999-2000 period it was a green colored one,it was the flat light model not sure if its a 1973 manufactured one though

good to see so many people being interested in the 1st Gen Lancers (L Light,I light,flat light and tube light!)

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If you ask me to pick the best japanese saloon of that vintage it would be the datsun bluebird 510. all independent suspension, unlimited modifying possibilities, even with modern parts. But that's just my opinion.

I think you should give up on the idea of finding a GSR dual carb setup. with the car being so rare and expensive even in japan you'll never find those parts here. what you could do is check if the agents can bring down the intake manifold of a dual carb GSR and strap on 2 weber 32/36s to it. If you are on a tight budget see if you change another cars intake manifold to fit yours or machine one out and find coupla cheap double barrel carbs. If I were you I'd have made one myself ages ago. nothing more fun than making your own part when working on a carb engine just because you can.

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  On 6/28/2012 at 3:02 AM, JadeyBlitzen said:

If you ask me to pick the best japanese saloon of that vintage it would be the datsun bluebird 510. all independent suspension, unlimited modifying possibilities, even with modern parts. But that's just my opinion.

I think you should give up on the idea of finding a GSR dual carb setup. with the car being so rare and expensive even in japan you'll never find those parts here. what you could do is check if the agents can bring down the intake manifold of a dual carb GSR and strap on 2 weber 32/36s to it. If you are on a tight budget see if you change another cars intake manifold to fit yours or machine one out and find coupla cheap double barrel carbs. If I were you I'd have made one myself ages ago. nothing more fun than making your own part when working on a carb engine just because you can.

may b but its look like a upali fiat. i also thought about making a manufold allready i m doing a exhuost manufold

tricky part is the main water line runs trough the intake manufold and the thermostat also located in this thats why im sceptical about this ,i found a dual carb manufold in e bay but no shipping available here what are ur idias of fitting a turbo to this engine 4g33

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  On 6/28/2012 at 5:35 AM, anuradhaplanter said:

may b but its look like a upali fiat. i also thought about making a manufold allready i m doing a exhuost manufold

tricky part is the main water line runs trough the intake manufold and the thermostat also located in this thats why im sceptical about this ,i found a dual carb manufold in e bay but no shipping available here what are ur idias of fitting a turbo to this engine 4g33

Where was this manifold you found located?

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  On 6/28/2012 at 5:35 AM, anuradhaplanter said:

may b but its look like a upali fiat. i also thought about making a manufold allready i m doing a exhuost manufold

tricky part is the main water line runs trough the intake manufold and the thermostat also located in this thats why im sceptical about this ,i found a dual carb manufold in e bay but no shipping available here what are ur idias of fitting a turbo to this engine 4g33

With some clever tubing and machining I guess you can bypass the waterline and the thermostat. turbocharging a n/a car especially one that's carb fed is pretty hardcore. Dropping in a more powerful carb engine would be cheaper. I guess the best compromise would be to run a twin carb setup on the current engine. If you improve breathing this should be good for about 110 bhp.

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one manufold was in philipnes auther one is in australiya. your right i have a spare engine head i must fabricate a manufold using that .is there a posibilty of modifing the carb to open both chambers together and to make more power

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  On 6/28/2012 at 10:54 AM, anuradhaplanter said:

one manufold was in philipnes auther one is in australiya. your right i have a spare engine head i must fabricate a manufold using that .is there a posibilty of modifing the carb to open both chambers together and to make more power

Don't. It works like that for a reason

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  On 6/28/2012 at 10:54 AM, anuradhaplanter said:

one manufold was in philipnes auther one is in australiya. your right i have a spare engine head i must fabricate a manufold using that .is there a posibilty of modifing the carb to open both chambers together and to make more power

A shipping company might be able to collect and ship it to you in SL. I think it should be possible from Australia because it is possible from UK and some of these companies are run by Sri Lankans.

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Great car mate! The engine looks like it's in great shape! Did it go through a complete overhaul?

Love the set of rims, I was looking for a set like that as well, but after the bodywork and paint, I couldn't afford a set this good looking.

The three spoke steering in the SL looks a lot sporty and I was looking for one of these for ages but couldn't find one. The station wagon has a two spoke steering with 2 horn buttons on either side of the spoke instead of one big horn button in the center.

The air vent at the center doesn't look like it's the factory fitted one, did you add in the AC later or was it factory fitted? And any particular reason for taking off the front bumper? I see that you've done a bit of a change there.

Great to see your determination on the carburetor conversion. As for me, I wanted everything to be according to original specs, so I did not tread into the area of fabricating parts for the engine or anything of that sort apart from the modified air intake, and chrome water lines. Hope you find the necessary parts. Good luck!

More photos please! :)

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Thanks man i wanted to do complete over houl as there were some oil leaks but after removing the engine the bore was good so i replaced the rings and fitted replasing the ovehoul packing set now the engine good as new .the front i wanted look better so i fabricated a new bumper with a scoop .also the original bumpers were corroded is the bumpers and tail lights available in sri lanka cos my tail lights also got damaged now i have fitted sky line tail lights.and i replaced the caburater with 4g32 aisan cos the original solex was a iternal headache .the chaging alsa was bad cos after fitting the a/c (this didnt had original a/c)i replaced the alternater with a new which has a inbuilt regulater

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  On 6/30/2012 at 3:00 PM, anuradhaplanter said:

Good heavens! Those tail lights have got to go... So this is "L light" right? I captured the photo below from the Panchikawatta scrap yard in 2010 when I was looking for a wire harness for my A72. There are many scrapped A72 cars out there and you can find a lot of used parts which are removed from them rather than do what you've done to your car. I bought my front disks, wire harness, steering box, servo, tailgate spring, front grill support brackets and many more parts from this place.

If you're lucky, you will find a good set of tail lights.


If you don't know the area to look for, let me know. I will PM you the details.

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  On 6/30/2012 at 3:00 PM, anuradhaplanter said:

No two words about it. you've ruined it! I don't know how well you can get that rear end to look original again but at this rate you might as well fit some non original engine to get the levels of power u are looking for.

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  On 6/27/2012 at 4:10 PM, anuradhaplanter said:

our one was L light

  On 7/1/2012 at 4:32 AM, anuradhaplanter said:

no this is a flat light by friend hit me in the rear when we were racing so the buffers tail lights all gone

I was under the impression that it was L light because of your post quoted above.

If I were you, I'd do a clean sweep of Panchikawatta and every place I know of to get hold of a tail light set before doing any of the other modifications such as the dual carb and so on. If you fail to find a set of "Flat" tali lights, then it would be better to switch to either "L", "Tube" or the other type for which our Sri Lankans havent formed a local name.

Oh and yes... drag the friend who rear-ended your car as well.

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