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Import Personally Used Car From Japan




I would like to know the procedure and documents needed to import a used car (registered under my name) to Sri Lanka from Japan.

I want to register this car under my name in Sri Lanka.

I searched through AL but haven’t found information regarding this specific situation.

questions are,

If car registered under my name in japan, bought brand new, will the invoice issued by japan car seller be enough to customs for tax purposes. (There is no money send to japan from Sri Lanka to buy this car. I have only commercial invoice issued by car seller in japan and car is used for about 3 years by me.)

Do I have to pay normal tax rate or are there any increased/decreased tax rates for this situation?

If car registered under my name for about 1 year, will there be difference? (Thinking of buying a new car before come back)


Edited by abiman
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  On 10/22/2013 at 9:39 AM, VVTi said:
I worked in your neighborhood a few years ago... there was this German guy who came as an intern who was getting nookie more than us... (you know how hard it is to get nookie there, right?) The other guys in office, including his German compatriots was seething with jealousy, when he asks us to count the hickies after every damn weekend. So I got a Sri lankan fellow who was a friend of mine to called him with the worse Saudi accent pretending to be from the Ministry for Prevention of Vice and promotion of Virtue and accuse this guy of fornicating and living a life of sin contrary to ISlam... and that they are on they way that very minute to haul his fornicating ass to jail. That was such an amazing moment watching him turn white, pale yellow, then red and then finally cry and run the the boss admitting to everything and begging him to save him, in German.

Sadly we still din't get nookie even after that... only thing that happened was he didn't get any too.. ROFL.. good times.

But we laughed and drank home made kasippu that night till we were all blind the next day!

Dude that is way too evil man...C*ckblocking at the highest level :D But true, getting a visa in this region is a govenrment sanctioned dry spell for most of us : |

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  On 10/22/2013 at 10:28 AM, Hoonigan said:
Dude that is way too evil man...C*ckblocking at the highest level :D But true, getting a visa in this region is a govenrment sanctioned dry spell for most of us : |

Damn right... no wonder they start humping camels... :) A human vagina is a luxury there... ;)

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  On 10/22/2013 at 7:44 AM, Hoonigan said:
Dude you're looking at it backwards.

1. The $50K doesn't have to be sent within 2 years. It just needs to be accumulated over time but the $50K should be complete 6 months prior to the application for the permit. And they cannot be local deposits and MUST be remitances from overseas.

2. If you (like most expatriate workers) use an NRFC account, you are not taxed, AT ALL..even if you use any other investment option, your money is still yours. You are not giving it away to the government.

3. If you do a little math, this scheme can cut down the duties you pay by a huge margine, depending on the age of the vehicle. It can be very useful to someone who used a car abroad for a while and want to settle back in Sri Lanka

4. AFAIK this is the only way a car as old as 10 years can be imported to SL legally. (That vintage RR was an exceptional case right?)

While Sri Lanka has it's issues, there are far worse places to be. And it's not like NZ doesn't have it's issues.

I currently live in a place where the per capita income is one of the highest in the world, violence is next to non existent, no tax, vehicles are dirt cheap (compared to SL) and fuel is cheaper than water. But I still count the days till I move back to SL. I'm sure you have your reasons to pack up and go but I call BS on the reasons being the "world's largest Government".

Some might not agree, but for people who wanna spend their mid / old age, and raise children in a place where they are the "locals", this is good news.

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  On 10/22/2013 at 10:41 AM, Komisiripala said:
All this on a page about importing a car from Japan! Troll level: Autolanka!!

And I was joking about the V&V police! Holy horsecrap didn't they actually existed!

trust me, it exists... and any Colombo/Maradana/Hambanthota chandiya will squeal and pee like little girls when they come out for you... ;)

They are the original bad ass MoFos...

The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (abbreviated CPVPV; هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر in Arabic and formerly called the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Elimination of Sin or CAVES) or HAIA [2] is the Saudi Arabian government bureaucracy employing "religious police" or mutaween(مطوعين romanized in English) to enforce Sharia Law within that Islamic nation. (See Mutaween for a list of variant spellings and an extended description of Islamic religious police.)

Its approximately 3,500 members, and many more volunteers, patrol the streets enforcing dress codes, strict separation of men and women, salat prayer by Muslims during prayer times, and other behavior it believes to be commanded by Islam. They are known for having full beards (sometimes henna-dyed) and for wearing their headscarves (ghutrah orshemagh) loose without an agal; they often wear a besht as well. Prior to the reforms of 2007 they were armed with thin wooden canes.

Edited by VVTi
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  On 10/22/2013 at 11:05 AM, ae100 said:
Don't worry doc. Just meant that I wanna come back to SL one day, import my car too, and... raise children.. that's it.!

Hoonigan's post says it's possible.. (importing the car that is..)

No men I honestly didn't get what you meant. No offense at all. But you're right yes I too have lot of doc friends waiting for same.

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  On 10/22/2013 at 11:12 AM, isam said:

It took a while for me to remember... 'My sister's Hot Friend' :D

Oh I so wish it would be... :rolleyes:

FOr the amount of trouble you're going through for her, i pray you will at least get to squeeze a boob. That's always nice. Relieves stress. Reduces risk of heart disease. And they feel so nice... :)

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  On 10/22/2013 at 1:25 PM, Komisiripala said:
No men I honestly didn't get what you meant. No offense at all. But you're right yes I too have lot of doc friends waiting for same.

He was referring to the distinct difference of the way "locals" in this region behave compared to us.

They have huge egos and arrogant to an extent you literally hate the sight of them. They make sure non-locals remember they don't belong here. And the social structure cuts a huge slack to let them do whatever they want.

after a while you really miss that feeling of not being afraid to speak up for someone's assistance, criticize an injustice or at the very least to be able tell someone to F off without thinking twice (whatever said and done, this is still possible in SL in everyday life situations) What ae100 was referring to was this sense of belonging that we can only enjoy in our home land.

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  On 10/22/2013 at 9:41 AM, VVTi said:
Interesting... :) Maori clients, Islanders or pakheas?

Admins. the last word is the Maori word/slang for whiteman in NZ... :) Not what you think it is... ;)

:) goodonya mate but the word "pakheas" should correct as "pakehas", Maori, islanders (Pol), Kiwi, fiji etc they all my clients Bro ;)

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I think Mr. Jonny here has completely missed the plot. The whole point of the blue permit is for people who go abroad temporary, make some money, come home and settle down. Its not a scheme to be used to send cheap vehicles to your parents/relatives.

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  On 10/22/2013 at 9:39 AM, VVTi said:
I worked in your neighborhood a few years ago... there was this German guy who came as an intern who was getting nookie more than us... (you know how hard it is to get nookie there, right?) The other guys in office, including his German compatriots was seething with jealousy, when he asks us to count the hickies after every damn weekend. So I got a Sri lankan fellow who was a friend of mine to called him with the worse Saudi accent pretending to be from the Ministry for Prevention of Vice and promotion of Virtue and accuse this guy of fornicating and living a life of sin contrary to ISlam... and that they are on they way that very minute to haul his fornicating ass to jail. That was such an amazing moment watching him turn white, pale yellow, then red and then finally cry and run the the boss admitting to everything and begging him to save him, in German.

Sadly we still din't get nookie even after that... only thing that happened was he didn't get any too.. ROFL.. good times.

But we laughed and drank home made kasippu that night till we were all blind the next day!

LOLOL this is just hillarious!

Edited by Jaliya48
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  On 10/24/2013 at 5:08 PM, Jaliya48 said:
LOLOL this is just hillarious!

I swear I drank more in Saudi than I did in SL or since... :)

Used to make my own hooch at home. And regularly had 'wine tastings'... :) Sometimes we wake up with out eyes cemented shut with all the crud... ha ha ha.. headaches and hangovers were legendary... especially if the fermentation has not been completed. Once after a heavy night out, me being the idiot I was, drove home. I had a Ford T Bird at the time and she was notoriously reliable. Closer to my exit, I was happily doing at least 120 when the car just dies on me. Just like that the engine cuts off... I sobered up in like a milli-second, coasts to the shoulder and stop with my hazards on, it was around 3am. Was fiddling with the engine to see WTF was wrong when to my worse luck a bloody cop cruiser with 2 cops pulls up. With the little Arabic I knew, I say. Car. Problem. No go... :) When they got closer I realized they were effing tanked themselves with some horrid smelling shite! ROFL!!! Which made them that much more dangerous. They asked me to get in the car and turn the ignition on and to this day I have no clue what they did but the car started. I quickly put the window down said thank you and took off like a bat out of hell drove home and ran inside... :) That was the last day I got drunk and drove in Saudi Arabia... :)

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  On 10/25/2013 at 4:03 AM, VVTi said:
I swear I drank more in Saudi than I did in SL or since... :)

Used to make my own hooch at home. And regularly had 'wine tastings'... :) Sometimes we wake up with out eyes cemented shut with all the crud... ha ha ha.. headaches and hangovers were legendary... especially if the fermentation has not been completed. Once after a heavy night out, me being the idiot I was, drove home. I had a Ford T Bird at the time and she was notoriously reliable. Closer to my exit, I was happily doing at least 120 when the car just dies on me. Just like that the engine cuts off... I sobered up in like a milli-second, coasts to the shoulder and stop with my hazards on, it was around 3am. Was fiddling with the engine to see WTF was wrong when to my worse luck a bloody cop cruiser with 2 cops pulls up. With the little Arabic I knew, I say. Car. Problem. No go... :) When they got closer I realized they were effing tanked themselves with some horrid smelling shite! ROFL!!! Which made them that much more dangerous. They asked me to get in the car and turn the ignition on and to this day I have no clue what they did but the car started. I quickly put the window down said thank you and took off like a bat out of hell drove home and ran inside... :) That was the last day I got drunk and drove in Saudi Arabia... :)

Oh man, this beats my 'three wheeler hunting at 0200 hours in Moratuwa' by a long mile! :sport-smiley-004:

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