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Post Whoring - Part 2


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  Pericles said:
Just FYI, we've been thru this before, and I don't know how many other long time members are sick of it, but I certainly am.

We don't really single out people with broken English, we can generally say when its genuine. We don't like people who do it on purpose when their English is fine. Sylvi gets the special mention coz he thinks his English is great and tries to fix other ppls English when he forgets all rules of grammar, punctuation and netiquette.

No offence to jdnet ,may be you were pumped up because of your past affairs with Sylvi on this forum

I wasn't speaking on behalf of Sylvi BTW,and I don't know about his past affairs on this forum as well .

I thought I had to say something because I am sick of people who think they are better than anybody when they can speak bit of English.

I hate when people try to show off by speaking ' Singlish ' , when we can clearly see they are making an effort to do that.

Any 5 year old English kid can speak good English , It is not something special :D

Even if we have to put an extra effort to understand some grammatically incorrect English so what ? we are Sri Lankans arn't we?

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  AL998 said:
No offence to jdnet ,may be you were pumped up because of your past affairs with Sylvi on this forum

I wasn't speaking on behalf of Sylvi BTW,and I don't know about his past affairs on this forum as well .

I thought I had to say something because I am sick of people who think they are better than anybody when they can speak bit of English.

I hate when people try to show off by speaking ' Singlish ' , when we can clearly see they are making an effort to do that.

Any 5 year old English kid can speak good English , It is not something special :D

Even if we have to put an extra effort to understand some grammatically incorrect English so what ? we are Sri Lankans arn't we?

Since you're a new member as well I'll just point this out before you get the wrong idea about the forum. As peri said, we have no issue with people having grammar issues or spelling issues or whatever man, What we DO have an issue with is people blowing their own trumpet about how because theyve been around on earth longer and have a polishing machine that comes from the United States, they are somehow the most knowledgeable person on this forum on every subject under the sun, Especially the english language. Unkel Sylvi makes a great show of correcting people's english pretty often, so this is simply the rest of us throwing his own medicine back his way.

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  AL998 said:
No offence to jdnet ,may be you were pumped up because of your past affairs with Sylvi on this forum

I wasn't speaking on behalf of Sylvi BTW,and I don't know about his past affairs on this forum as well .

I thought I had to say something because I am sick of people who think they are better than anybody when they can speak bit of English.

I hate when people try to show off by speaking ' Singlish ' , when we can clearly see they are making an effort to do that.

Any 5 year old English kid can speak good English , It is not something special :D

Even if we have to put an extra effort to understand some grammatically incorrect English so what ? we are Sri Lankans arn't we?

Sylvi's English is not broken, there's just something radically wrong with the way he seems to type it (kind of like translating sinhala words direct to English, "miniha paarey yayi = man road going"). I don't know about you, but it bugs the hell out of me, because the posts are so big that you feel like reading them, only to get a headache at the end of the first sentence. Please read some of his posts before trying to be the saviour to the "common man." There's nothing "broken" about Sylvi's typing, it seems as if he does it on purpose.

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  SeanD said:
I don't know about you, but it bugs the hell out of me, because the posts are so big that you feel like reading them, only to get a headache at the end of the first sentence.

what do you mean by that?

BTW as I mentioned earlier, I wasn't speaking on behalf of sylvi .

I was expressing my opinion, nothing do with defending sylvi

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  SeanD said:
I don't know about you, but it bugs the hell out of me, because the posts are so big that you feel like reading them, only to get a headache at the end of the first sentence.

Guilty :lol:

Language skills vary, obviously but this is an English forum (i.e. all content is in English and there is no provision for posting in another language), so that being the case, would it not behoove all members to use proper grammar and spelling in all their posts, to the best of their ability? There's no shame in getting it wrong once in a while but it always makes more sense to learn and try to improve than go on the defensive and get offended when someone points it out, the latter reaction is unfortunately all too common in this country.

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  jdnet said:
Ok Mr. Wijesinghe. I will tell you directly as you advised us to.

1. You need to take a few grammar lessons.

2. When writing, get to the point instead of beating around the bush and stop going off topic on every thread.

3. Stop indirectly marketing your services and posting your phone number and addresses.

4. This isn't a government institute so you can refer to the "authority" as moderators and administrators and stop calling everyone Mr. ABC. This isn't an office.

5. Stop taking everything as a personal attack. Disagreeing with your methods isn't a personal attack.

6. I don't care how many years experience you have. The automotive world makes big changes in technology each day and a good mechanic will learn from others despite having 50 years experience. No one knows how to fix every car. They need advice from another person or even a book.

7. I know you think Chinese vans are great. It's your opinion but please stop posting about China in every thread.

8. We don't care about your friend forgetting to put water into a van.

9. Stop making stupid arguments and calling people abusive when they disagree

10. Stop posting in CAPS

Consider these your 10 commandments. Read them before every post.

There, I was bieng as direct as I can. Now please don't call this a personal attack, it's mearly a piece of advice.

Now. lets get to the topic at hand.

I wonder who needs grammer lessons... :rolleyes: This is a blog not an english class. Don't point finger at others as it will haunt you.

Edited by wrav003
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  jdnet said:
Ok Mr. Wijesinghe. I will tell you directly as you advised us to.

1. You need to take a few grammar lessons.

2. When writing, get to the point instead of beating around the bush and stop going off topic on every thread.

3. Stop indirectly marketing your services and posting your phone number and addresses.

4. This isn't a government institute so you can refer to the "authority" as moderators and administrators and stop calling everyone Mr. ABC. This isn't an office.

5. Stop taking everything as a personal attack. Disagreeing with your methods isn't a personal attack.

6. I don't care how many years experience you have. The automotive world makes big changes in technology each day and a good mechanic will learn from others despite having 50 years experience. No one knows how to fix every car. They need advice from another person or even a book.

7. I know you think Chinese vans are great. It's your opinion but please stop posting about China in every thread.

8. We don't care about your friend forgetting to put water into a van.

9. Stop making stupid arguments and calling people abusive when they disagree

10. Stop posting in CAPS

Consider these your 10 commandments. Read them before every post.

There, I was bieng as direct as I can. Now please don't call this a personal attack, it's mearly a piece of advice.

Now. lets get to the topic at hand.

Thank You


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  Pericles said:
Just FYI, we've been thru this before, and I don't know how many other long time members are sick of it, but I certainly am.

We don't really single out people with broken English, we can generally say when its genuine. We don't like people who do it on purpose when their English is fine. Sylvi gets the special mention coz he thinks his English is great and tries to fix other ppls English when he forgets all rules of grammar, punctuation and netiquette.

Thank you.


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  Supra_Natural said:
You know, every time I see a post of unkel's these days I think of this image..


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

No idea why :unsure:


I don't expect this type of reply from you.

That is you are in that well not me.


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  Pericles said:
Just FYI, we've been thru this before, and I don't know how many other long time members are sick of it, but I certainly am.

We don't really single out people with broken English, we can generally say when its genuine. We don't like people who do it on purpose when their English is fine. Sylvi gets the special mention coz he thinks his English is great and tries to fix other ppls English when he forgets all rules of grammar, punctuation and netiquette.


Please like to study from you grammar punctuation and netiquette.

Do not get offended for the request.


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  AL998 said:
No offence to jdnet ,may be you were pumped up because of your past affairs with Sylvi on this forum

I wasn't speaking on behalf of Sylvi BTW,and I don't know about his past affairs on this forum as well .

I thought I had to say something because I am sick of people who think they are better than anybody when they can speak bit of English.

I hate when people try to show off by speaking ' Singlish ' , when we can clearly see they are making an effort to do that.

Any 5 year old English kid can speak good English , It is not something special :D

Even if we have to put an extra effort to understand some grammatically incorrect English so what ? we are Sri Lankans arn't we?

100% agreed. Anybody can make mistakes since English is not our mother toung. I'm still a very new member to this forum, but have been reading those articles for a long time.

I have gained a huge knowledge from this AL forum. Special thanks to VVTI, Supra Natural, Gihan_FX, Harshansenadhir, The Don, Ripper, MkX for the precious knowledge & experience shared on the forum so far. So we let it have to other members & new comers too.


Not being awkward here. Please don't get me wrong. We all are friends.

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  wrav003 said:
I wonder who needs grammer lessons... :rolleyes: This is a blog not an english class. Don't point finger at others as it will haunt you.

1. Grammar and spelling errors are two different things.

2. Look up the word in a dictionary before implying I spelt it wrong.

I'd like to remind everyone that my posts weren't targeted at anyone other than sylvi. I targeted sylvi because he is autolanka's know-it-all and every one of his posts gives me a headache. If you have bad grammar and spelling that's fine, but making an effort to be bad at it is another thing.

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  jdnet said:
1. Grammar and spelling errors are two different things.

2. Look up the word in a dictionary before implying I spelt it wrong.

I'd like to remind everyone that my posts weren't targeted at anyone other than sylvi. I targeted sylvi because he is autolanka's know-it-all and every one of his posts gives me a headache. If you have bad grammar and spelling thats fine, but making an effort to be bad at it is another thing.

he sure does go the extra mile to sound annoying. sometimes i wonder if he has a split personality :unsure:

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  jdnet said:
1. Grammar and spelling errors are two different things.

2. Look up the word in a dictionary before implying I spelt it wrong.

I'd like to remind everyone that my posts weren't targeted at anyone other than sylvi. I targeted sylvi because he is autolanka's know-it-all and everyone of his posts gives me a headache. If you have bad grammar and spelling that's fine, but making an effort to be bad at it is another thing.

Some say he might be a comedian :unsure: & some say he writes in broken english on purpose :rolleyes: . but all we know is he is called The Stig (Sylvi) <_<

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Hey all you noobs trying to act all hero by defending the "poor,innocent and language handicapped" unkel silvy,I suggest you take the time to read some of the posts and topics this guy has put up here.while the broken english is indeed a nuisence.it's the self centered,self promoting nature of his posts that pisses everybody off...and add to that the frankly dangerous "advice" this guy dishes out,so the members here have no choice but reply and correct him one way or another.

Honestly this whole silvy business is starting smell really fishy to me,and it aint the first time people have tried to sabotage the forum.

  wrav003 said:
I wonder who needs grammer lessons... :rolleyes: This is a blog not an english class. Don't point finger at others as it will haunt you.

This is a forum,not a bloody blog,dumbass...

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  MasterDon said:
Hey all you noobs trying to act all hero by defending the "poor,innocent and language handicapped" unkel silvy,I suggest you take the time to read some of the posts and topics this guy has put up here.while the broken english is indeed a nuisence.it's the self centered,self promoting nature of his posts that pisses everybody off...and add to that the frankly dangerous "advice" this guy dishes out,so the members here have no choice but reply and correct him one way or another.

Honestly this whole silvy business is starting smell really fishy to me,and it aint the first time people have tried to sabotage the forum.

This is a forum,not a bloody blog,dumbass...


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  VVTi said:
Master Don, for that I will buy you a Summer Garden Mixed Grill and a beer.... :)

Best mixed gill ever. Actually, galaxy had the best mixed grill.

Since this thread is completely OT anyway, this thread is now about food.


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  jdnet said:
Best mixed gill ever. Actually, galaxy had the best mixed grill.

Since this thread is completely OT anyway, this thread is now about food.

Hell yes, Galaxy MG was legendary!!!

This was a recent discovery. Ripper and I polished one off last Saturday and I have been dreaming of it ever since.

Oh man, Black Pudding sausages and Mushrooms!!! Where can you get Black Pudding sausages in SL?

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  VVTi said:
Hell yes, Galaxy MG was legendary!!!

This was a recent discovery. Ripper and I polished one off last Saturday and I have been dreaming of it ever since.

Oh man, Black Pudding sausages and Mushrooms!!! Where can you get Black Pudding sausages in SL?

Sh*t Pr*cks... you buggers left me n went that day...!!! :angry:

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  VVTi said:
Hell yes, Galaxy MG was legendary!!!

This was a recent discovery. Ripper and I polished one off last Saturday and I have been dreaming of it ever since.

Here's a good recipe for fish fish I created.

Actual picture I took



1 Large mouth bass (you can substitute this with a saltwater fish such as a grouper)

Canned pineapple chunks (canned works better but fresh is alright if can extract some juice too.

chillie pieces




sliced onions and tomatoe for garnishing

olive oil (any oil would be fine though)

Cut the fish right down the stomach and clean it.

Leave the head on but cut the gills off and then wash the fish.

fill the stomach with pineapple chunks and rub in a little bit of pineapple juice and lime juice and chillie pieces

Place it in an aluminum foil.

Sprinkle some chillie pieces, salt, pepper, lime, pineapple juice, and a teaspoon of olive oil.

Wrap the fish up in the foil and bake it or grill it till it's done (can't remember the time)

Take it out

Garnish and have a tasty meal.

Learned this while figuring out what to do with all the fish I have stocked my freezer with after a month of ice fishing.

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