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Honda Fit Gp5



Guys I going to buy honda fit gp5 2015 model car.I have a issue with manufacture year.aution sheet showing it is 2015 febr car.but I foud a web page that showing manufactr year when enter chassis number.It shows my car was 2014 july manufactured.I have checked belt year also 2014.so Iam confused just help me out to find manufactur year.thank you

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  On 6/19/2015 at 12:02 PM, Kalanan16 said:
Guys I going to buy honda fit gp5 2015 model car.I have a issue with manufacture year.aution sheet showing it is 2015 febr car.but I foud a web page that showing manufactr year when enter chassis number.It shows my car was 2014 july manufactured.I have checked belt year also 2014.so Iam confused just help me out to find manufactur year.thank you

Was this car in a car sale?

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Some of those car sales having R grade cars with forged auction sheets with tampered odometers. If you don't know the importer personally, there is high probability that you will end up with one of those.

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I'm also going to purchase a Fit GP5 from a car sale or through a direct importer.

Once when I checked the veritas beuro certificate of a GP5, infront of "Auction Grade", it was mentioned "Not Applicable". Previously I heard that an unregistered car should be imported through an auction, with a auction grading.

When i asked from the seller, he told that they import cars from a car dealer there in Japan and no need to bring through auctions.

Colud you please guys let me know the proccess? Is the car seller telling the truth or not?

Buying a car without an auction grade suitable or not?

Your advice is highly appreciated.


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  On 10/1/2015 at 2:39 PM, matroska said:
AFAIK the auction grade should be there.

I don't think it is a good idea to buy a car without auction grade. Maybe some one with experience on the whole process can provide further info.

Thanks for the advice matroska.

If there's anyone who got experience on the whole proccess, please be kind enough to share it.


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  On 10/1/2015 at 11:33 AM, SAB said:

I'm also going to purchase a Fit GP5 from a car sale or through a direct importer.

Once when I checked the veritas beuro certificate of a GP5, infront of "Auction Grade", it was mentioned "Not Applicable". Previously I heard that an unregistered car should be imported through an auction, with a auction grading.

When i asked from the seller, he told that they import cars from a car dealer there in Japan and no need to bring through auctions.

Colud you please guys let me know the proccess? Is the car seller telling the truth or not?

Buying a car without an auction grade suitable or not?

Your advice is highly appreciated.


Mentioning the Auction grade in the inspection certificate is not a must. There are enough vehicles without mentioning this data. But, if it not mentioned, there is a high possibly that the car is R grade. (normally R grade is not mentioning)

Inspection certificate contained the data at the inspection time only. The exporter is the person who obtaining it. So he can do several things before send the car to the inspection. Auction sheet is more reliable (but not 100% accurate) than inspection certificate.

The date mentioned in the action sheet is first registration date in Japan (not the manufacturing date). Normally both are inline but not a must.

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  On 10/2/2015 at 11:34 AM, gayanath said:
Mentioning the Auction grade in the inspection certificate is not a must. There are enough vehicles without mentioning this data. But, if it not mentioned, there is a high possibly that the car is R grade. (normally R grade is not mentioning)

Inspection certificate contained the data at the inspection time only. The exporter is the person who obtaining it. So he can do several things before send the car to the inspection. Auction sheet is more reliable (but not 100% accurate) than inspection certificate.

The date mentioned in the action sheet is first registration date in Japan (not the manufacturing date). Normally both are inline but not a must.

Thanks gayanath for your explanation.

That means it's safe to not to purchase such vehicle (not having an auction grade), cos there's a high possibility of the vehicle being a R graded.

I checked the vehicle prices from several car sales and observed that the auction graded vehicle prices are significantly higher than those not graded.

But, how on this earth we can believe that these guys are not editing such auction sheets fraudly here... is there a way to check them online.....?

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  On 10/2/2015 at 4:59 PM, SAB said:
Thanks gayanath for your explanation.

That means it's safe to not to purchase such vehicle (not having an auction grade), cos there's a high possibility of the vehicle being a R graded.

I checked the vehicle prices from several car sales and observed that the auction graded vehicle prices are significantly higher than those not graded.

But, how on this earth we can believe that these guys are not editing such auction sheets fraudly here... is there a way to check them online.....?


Please go to http://jpnauction.com and create a login for you.

Then go to statistics sales.

You can find the auction data up to last 3 months by entering auction number. (please note that, sometimes there may be several vehicles for same auction number in several days. you should select required one).

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  On 10/3/2015 at 4:38 AM, gayanath said:

Please go to http://jpnauction.com and create a login for you.

Then go to statistics sales.

You can find the auction data up to last 3 months by entering auction number. (please note that, sometimes there may be several vehicles for same auction number in several days. you should select required one).

Thanks a lot mate. Highly appreciate your support. I'll go through the link.

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  On 6/19/2015 at 12:02 PM, Kalanan16 said:
Guys I going to buy honda fit gp5 2015 model car.I have a issue with manufacture year.aution sheet showing it is 2015 febr car.but I foud a web page that showing manufactr year when enter chassis number.It shows my car was 2014 july manufactured.I have checked belt year also 2014.so Iam confused just help me out to find manufactur year.thank you

Usually what is shown in de-reg certificate, auction inspection sheet, etc.. is the first year of registration. For all intents and purposes what is used is the first year of reg and not the YoM.

  On 10/1/2015 at 2:39 PM, matroska said:
AFAIK the auction grade should be there.

I don't think it is a good idea to buy a car without auction grade. Maybe some one with experience on the whole process can provide further info.

Not really. Like Gayanath mentioned an auction grade on the inspection certificate is not a must.

first of all you DON'T have to ALWAYS buy a car at auction. There are plenty of cars that are sold at user car dealerships within Japan that a exporter can buy. There are plenty of cars with valid or just about to expire shaken or; in the case of cars reaching 3 yrs, cars that are going to require its first shaken inspection. these cars for the most part are still registered or has a temporary registration with the used car dealership.

These cars can be bought, de-registered and then exported (where an inspection like JAAI would be done). In such a case there would not be an auction grade assigned to the car.

Now..should you buy one of these cars. Yes. In fact, it might be a good option to buy such a car because it also implies that these cars are still road legal in Japan (which is why it was in a local car dealership in the first place...for individuals these cars are sold only after conducting the required shaken inspections and registration). Because of full disclosure laws it is illegal to hide damage/accident repairs and do things like mileage changes. So the cars you find at dealerships being sold within the Japanese market are pretty "honest" cars (things start going wrong when cars get de-registered and out of the system)

HOWEVER, because of the SL car export/import "magadiyas" that deal with cars in SL, it is highly risky. Why ? Because these guys could very well find an abandoned piece of junk and fix it up for cheap. So, unless you trust the person who is selling you this car like you trust yourself, I would say do not buy it. It is too risky.

Now what if you have someone you trust as you trust yourself and you really really want to buy one of these cars ? Well....you can buy it and you will have the full records of the car (remember.. full disclosure) and you get what you pay for. If your supplier is just an individual the dealer will be required to do the necessary inspections and register the car in your supplier's name (where he has to get parking approval, show residency, etc...). After which he will de-register the car and get a refund for the year or two of taxes you have paid. Since to bring to SL you are looking at a car less than 3 yrs old you can even get service records from the dealership that maintained the car.

Here is the thing though....for something as mainstream as a Fit...it is simply pointless. Sometimes the car might be a bit cheaper than at auction.. There are plenty of GOOD cars at Auction which with a supplier you can trust you can much easily get.

Edited by iRage
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Depend on my experience what I can say is Try to find a trusted dealer which is very difficult. You may have to pay bit more but it is worth.(Remember that just higher price does not mean trusted seller). Those documents can be forged. Auction sheet may be more reliable than inspection sheet. But you need to check it online. Auction sheets shown by seller may be forged.

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