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Are Three Wheelers Taking Over The Roads, Parking Lots, And Becoming Dangerous Traffic Hazard To The Motoring Public??


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Now don’t get me wrong but this question need not be asked as it’s obvious, and there noting happening about it either.

However there was one nice notice which basically said “no parking for 3 wheelers” at Nawala water park.

They are a nuisance rather than a help to society

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Now don’t get me wrong but this question need not be asked as it’s obvious, and there noting happening about it either.

However there was one nice notice which basically said “no parking for 3 wheelers” at Nawala water park.

They are a nuisance rather than a help to society

They have become an menace to every other motorist.

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This question is obsolete. The real question is what can public do about it, keeping in mind the number of threewheelers and economies surrounding it?

The general public without any authority over anything can hardly do anything about it BUT the Traffic Police, the Ministry of Transport and the Government in general can do much to curb the menace of three wheelers (or actually the drivers of three wheelers and their uncivilised driving habits).

It would be interesting to learn as to how many three wheeler drivers are even aware of the Road Code in Sri Lanka which has the road rules and road signs etc etc. For instance a mandatory training course spanning a few weeks covering road code/road rules, civilised driving habits, road courtesy, importance of signals and proper signalling etc etc and a test of competency should be put in place, sans which no license should be given. This could also be extended to private bus drivers also. Generally SLTB drivers are better than than their private bus counterparts as they get a specific SLTB training.

Just my two cents to light a candle instead of blaming the darkness!! :)

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In countries like the US you can't operate a taxi without a permit. IIRC these permits are issued in limited numbers for each municipality and the price depends on the demand, with a permit in New york costing as much as $100,000 and with all permits being accounted for at the moment. so basically even if you have the money you'd have to wait till someone goes out of business.

I don't know what the procedure here is but I'm sure its much more relaxed. I think we've come to a point where there are too many taxis for the number of customers. So hardly anybody makes sufficient money, and that just makes people ruthless and reckless.

Ideally we should have such a system here including proper training and certification for taxi drivers with the permits being issued in limited numbers and priced according to the demand. So the driving habits, etiquette and professionalism will be better while accidents and threewheeler involved crimes will go down drastically.

But I doubt that'll ever happen. Because certain people only care about votes and this is a big community, so the votes they could lose if they mess with it are massive.

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The general public without any authority over anything can hardly do anything about it

Respectfully disagree. The authorities including police and regulators hv failed time and again to bring forth any meaningful change within current statutes and we, specifically at motorists and generally as the public who use threewheelers might be able to influence some change. For example, I'm fully willing to support any provincial or national politician who is willing to address the issue (it is an issue!) and bring about changes to law specific to taxi's and threewheelers and enforcement of the law. The regulations need not be uniform across the country, the applicability of the usefulness of taxi's and thus the tolerance of them differs widely from place to place.

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it seems that many of you have forgotten that most of general public enjoys the luxury of tuk tuks.. So while we motorists curse those f**kers who make roads less safe and use parking spaces, there are so many people who like to have them as they are. OP this is a useless thread and waste of time and space ... Dont pretend like you've born yesterday with a car and you know nothing about this country...

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the cops should stop 3wheel drivers overtaking from the left side of the road. i have witness that some cops do not even care when they overtake from the left. and another thing they are too close to other vehicles on the road which is very uncomfortable for other vehicles.

about parking. they are tax payers too. therefore they have the right to park there 3wheels in parking lots and other convenient places that they want to for them where they can make a living.

we do not have a car these days since we sold our car for a upgrade so we have been using 3wheels for our journeys, they are needed for people too

what we should do is be more strict so they will follow road rules. but i don't see the point of this thread. are you asking a question or are you telling us

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Respectfully disagree. The authorities including police and regulators hv failed time and again to bring forth any meaningful change within current statutes and we, specifically at motorists and generally as the public who use threewheelers might be able to influence some change. For example, I'm fully willing to support any provincial or national politician who is willing to address the issue (it is an issue!) and bring about changes to law specific to taxi's and threewheelers and enforcement of the law. The regulations need not be uniform across the country, the applicability of the usefulness of taxi's and thus the tolerance of them differs widely from place to place.

The current statutes are more than enough to bring about law order on the roads. It's the implementation of those statutes that are faulting.

Well yes the Police and the Ministry of Transport as the authorities have failed in their duty and are indifferent to the issue and many other issues BUT it is THEY who have to make the change as it is THEY who are the authorities, not motorists or members of the general public like you or me.

OK...you say the general poublic can "bring about some influence". For instance as a motorist what is the influence you can initiate???? What would you suggest for the general public to do ???? Boycott three-wheelers????? That is not going to work mate!! :)

Of course it is a menacing issue. Do you think politicians, provincial or otherwise, in this country are capable of comprehending any "issue/s" facing the country and find solutions to those "issues"????

What I suggested as my two cents was something that the authorities can do which they have not done. We as motorists and the general public can take the horse upto the water but you, I or any other motorist or member of the general public will not be able to make that horse drink the water!!!

We all can light candles but their will be no electricity to brighten up the darkness as the switches are accessible only to the authorities who do not care a damn!! :)

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@edsal : Hiyoo what type of thread have you started? This aint gona make a change in the society now!

If so ever you wanted to make one, either

1)Sell you car and use public transport

2)Dont go out / Work at home

3)Get used to the situation

one more thing Mate please use a condom. The world doesn't need another you!

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@edsal : Hiyoo what type of thread have you started? This aint gona make a change in the society now!

If so ever you wanted to make one, either

1)Sell you car and use public transport

2)Dont go out / Work at home

3)Get used to the situation

one more thing Mate please use a condom. The world doesn't need another you!

Ah..ha, good one. 1+

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