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Car Was Wrecked Asian Alliance Is Undervaluving The Car.


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  On 5/23/2014 at 4:03 AM, Crosswind said:
Car gets auctioned off by the insurance company. Some a$$hole will buy it, fix it with a bit of cataloy and soon it will be out there as a low mileage owner-migrating quick sale car for 18/50 :)

So when it is written off there wont be any remarks on the registration book like in other countries?

Also Chan5 How much did you have to pay for the Telecom post? Did you pocketed out and the insurance paid you later?


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  On 5/23/2014 at 4:58 AM, pug306xsi said:
So when it is written off there wont be any remarks on the registration book like in other countries?

Also Chan5 How much did you have to pay for the Telecom post? Did you pocketed out and the insurance paid you later?


The insurance company at its own discretion, may decide to sell the vehicle as parts (by cutting the chassis and de-registering it) or sell the vehicle as a repairable one.

If they consider it as repairable, they will sell with papers. In that case, the only information you will find in the registration book is the insurance company's name as one of the owners. That will also happen only if the insurance company transfers the vehicle to themselves before paying out the owner. Certain insurance companies I know, get open papers signed from the owner before paying out and they auction it on open papers. Then there will be no trace of the car being a write-off.

Chan5, do everyone a favour and insist on not signing open papers for the insurance company. Make sure their name is written and you get your own copy of the MTA 6.

Edited by Crosswind
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  On 5/23/2014 at 6:22 AM, Crosswind said:
The insurance company at its own discretion, may decide to sell the vehicle as parts (by cutting the chassis and de-registering it) or sell the vehicle as a repairable one.

If they consider it as repairable, they will sell with papers. In that case, the only information you will find in the registration book is the insurance company's name as one of the owners. That will also happen only if the insurance company transfers the vehicle to themselves before paying out the owner. Certain insurance companies I know, get open papers signed from the owner before paying out and they auction it on open papers. Then there will be no trace of the car being a write-off.

Chan5, do everyone a favour and insist on not signing open papers for the insurance company. Make sure their name is written and you get your own copy of the MTA 6.

Thanks! Good info.

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  On 5/22/2014 at 3:16 AM, NRX said:
+ lack of ABS ? :D

Glad that you got sorted everything anyways..

Had ABS Machan. actually it's 4 channel ABS with some skid management ECU under dash(i don't know what that is).

But i am pretty sure that ABS was kicked in on the moment,I felt the Vibration on Break Pedal which is indicative of ABS.

surface was more slippery than ABS could handle probably the speed.

  On 5/22/2014 at 3:21 AM, Rumesh88 said:
How about the third party damage (telecom post)? Did your insurance paid it or you had to pocket it out? Of course for the insurance to pay a third party claim there will be a traffic case against you.

Telecom Post was 14500 Rs and I had pay and submit the receipt to police to get the car released.There was no requirement of Court case, Insurer stated that the Copy of the police complaint and Receipts were enough to claim the third party damages.Still no mention about that in any letter. Hope it will flow smoothly.

  On 5/22/2014 at 5:39 AM, Davy said:
WoW, that's a terrible blow! Glad that no one was hurt (including you) and thumbs up for all the effort and getting a reasonable claim. Good example for everyone on how to deal with insurance companies. Thanks for sharing.

terrible blow indeed . ..

  On 5/22/2014 at 5:40 AM, Hoonigan said:
Onto more serious matters, what's the next car going to be? :)

Thinking of a Carina 210 D or Corona 210D . since i travel around 3000 km per month.

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  On 5/23/2014 at 3:04 AM, Davy said:
Sorry for my ignorance, but what actually happens to the car now?


may be ripped off for parts. or most probably the resurrect back after auction.

  On 5/23/2014 at 4:02 AM, Ruslan said:
Auctioned it off??

probably, i assume by they needing the ownership with clear documents.

  On 5/23/2014 at 4:03 AM, Crosswind said:
Car gets auctioned off by the insurance company. Some a$$hole will buy it, fix it with a bit of cataloy and soon it will be out there as a low mileage owner-migrating quick sale car for 18/50 :)

most Probable scenario.

  On 5/23/2014 at 4:58 AM, pug306xsi said:

So when it is written off there wont be any remarks on the registration book like in other countries?

I do not think so.

is there any possibility of doing that?

  On 5/23/2014 at 6:22 AM, Crosswind said:
The insurance company at its own discretion, may decide to sell the vehicle as parts (by cutting the chassis and de-registering it) or sell the vehicle as a repairable one.

If they consider it as repairable, they will sell with papers. In that case, the only information you will find in the registration book is the insurance company's name as one of the owners. That will also happen only if the insurance company transfers the vehicle to themselves before paying out the owner. Certain insurance companies I know, get open papers signed from the owner before paying out and they auction it on open papers. Then there will be no trace of the car being a write-off.

Chan5, do everyone a favour and insist on not signing open papers for the insurance company. Make sure their name is written and you get your own copy of the MTA 6.

I think this letter will explain the probable fate.

note that this was posted before all the struggle started.(1.45 offer)


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I would suggest insisting on getting your copies (2 copies) of the MTA6 forms (after getting the signatures from Asian Alliance as well). The reason is

It will save a poor soul from buying this car without knowing it was a write-off

The insurance company is legally obliged to provide you with your copies of MTA 6 (signed by them not by the person whom they sell it to)

You are legally obliged to send your copy of MTA6 to RMV

The insurance company may also offer the car back to you for a nominal value. That also happened to a friend of mine. He bought back his own wrecked vehicle, repaired it (mind you, he did it to factory specs) and sold it off.

Edited by Crosswind
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Once a damaged vehicle is written off as irreparable the most ethical thing (even if it not required by the law) for the insurer to do is de-registering and selling it for the salvage value.

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  On 5/23/2014 at 7:40 AM, chan5 said:

may be ripped off for parts. or most probably the resurrect back after auction.

probably, i assume by they needing the ownership with clear documents.

most Probable scenario.

I do not think so.

is there any possibility of doing that?

I think this letter will explain the probable fate.

note that this was posted before all the struggle started.(1.45 offer)


Just for our information chan 5.. kindly post the full registration number of your ex-car. It will help people to keep an eye out and avoid if and when it comes up for sale after a patch up job.

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Seems the only way to mitigate this slightly is to get a valuation done before comprehensive insurance is purchased. Sadly on this case because of the loan, this was already in place, though ignored for indemnity.

De Silva motors seem to have lost their reputation as a reputable valuer. Their valuations seem to change from customer to customer where corporate customers (say taxi companies) getting better valuations than retail customers. Also they seem to be undervaluing to perhaps keep the insurance companies happy.

Well done Chan5, I'm happy you got a fair payout in the end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, make sure to transfer the car to Asian Aliance, which will tell a prospective buyer that its a write off. Once you get your cash in hand you no longer have any obligations to them. Screw them over, and keep them from making more money off your misfortune :P

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Sorry for the delay GUYS..

Actually it was today i got the Cheque Deposited.

and yesterday same random guy came to garage and took the wreck by a carrier.

So For the reference ,

my car Number is 65-6672 . .

some photos before accident.






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And i made transfer To insurance Company itself.<br />

So the transferree is Asian alliance insurance.<br />

<br />

They have re transfer it to a random guy again and he took the car by carrier yesterday.<br />

<br />

<br />

more interesting story happens from there.<br />

<br />

today, All of a sudden it appears in classified site with Unpaired specimen but with rolled back odometer.<br />

my odo was around 270000kms on accident and now it is 86000.<br />

<br />

sorry moderators i couldn't Resist publishing this(of course, remove the links and images as it Violates forum rules)<br />

<br />

<span rel='lightbox'><img src='http://i.imgur.com/V31tP9C.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /></span><br />

<span rel='lightbox'><img src='http://i.imgur.com/mfK.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /></span><br />

<br />

<br />


Edited by chan5
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something wrong with android with editting feature of post.

i tried to correct some and above post went mad.

stil you can see the image link of advert.will correct it as get hold of laptop tomorrow.

On a side note,Called the seller and he seems not an average crook but a quite professionl.he said that odo reading is unable to read due to power failure of car display and admited that it was not 86k.and car will be sold as wreck.

Insurer had hard time selling the wreck due to the mention of Their name on CR.and buyer could have been able to bargain a lot due to that.

thank you for the support all.

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:o You're kidding!

From what I remember, you couldn't even steer the car out of the scene because the suspension was all damaged after the car ran over a concrete structure. So this isn't just "the back of the car" as mentioned in the ad. Further, if the guy was trying to sell the car as a wreck, why would he be advertising it as a whole vehicle instead of parts maybe? And hide the condition of the rear end!

My opinion is that once a car is written off, the registration should be made invalid at the DMV, so that it cannot be sold as a whole vehicle (Yes, there are ways to bypass this as well, but it makes things harder). Isn't there such a process in place?

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This is crazy, how un safe this car now.. the damage report clearly said that car is beyond repair and safety is compromised. Just imagine how unsafe this car will be in case of an accident similar to EK3 we saw couple of days back. I think even we should take these things up to mass media and educate public.

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